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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Rhapsody & many more online retailers

Check out Tracy’s debut album entitled "Before the Dawn," available everywhere online.

Tracy’s debut album, Before the Dawn, was tracked and mixed at Glenwood Place Studios in Burbank, California, the historic site of recording artists such as Stevie Wonder, Joe Cocker, Frank Zappa, Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Black Eyed Peas, Papa Roach, Doobie Brothers, REM, Toni Braxton, Ricky Martin, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, and Ben Harper.
Monday February 10th 3:43 am PST


Jun 24 -
Had a wild time playing at The Mint last night! What an incredible venue!

Apr 10 -
Thrilled to have had the opportunity to play at Azusa Now at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with over 60,000 people in attendance!

Apr 3 -
Amazing time last night playing with Georgian Banov and Jake Hamilton at Club Los Globos!


Nov 18 -
Watch me live at 6pm PST:

Nov 17 -
This was a really awesome set at Love L.A. at Mott Auditorium on Nov 5. Some amazing moments that night!

Tracy Thomas at Love LA Mott Auditorium

Nov 15 -
Awesome getting to sing the "Shema" with one of my favorite people in the world, Melisa St John Castanon, at the Verizon Amphitheater on 11/11/14. It was rockin’!

Tracy Thomas Verizon Amphitheater

Nov 14 -
3 people I love so very much!!! Where would I be without you guys?!?

Tracy Thomas Doma Carta Verizon Amphitheater

Nov 13 -
Powerful moment of prayer for Israel during the 11/11 A Line In The Sand solemn assembly last night at Verizon Amphitheater. Always an honor and privilege to minister alongside Rabbi Jason Sobel. And awesome to have my hubby playing with me too!

Tracy Thomas Verizon Amphitheater Rabbi Jason Sobel

Nov 12 -
Great time yesterday playing at Verizon Amphitheater in Irvine at A Line In The Sand solemn assembly. I’ve never had so many people onstage between me and my band members! I was all like "where are you guys?!?" Ha ha ha! What a night!

Tracy Thomas at Verizon Amphitheater

Nov 11 -
Join us today at the 11/11 A Line In The Sand solemn assembly at Verizon Amphitheater in Irvine, CA from 1-9pm. My band will be playing starting at 5:30pm. Admission is FREE. All ages welcome. Outdoor venue. Come unite with us in a time of worship, prayer and intercession!

Nov 9 -
Another awesome night at Mott Auditorium last night for PIHOP’s "The Well" with Kelly Easter, Isaac Gomes, Adam Henninger, Caleb Russel, and Melisa Castanon!

Nov 8 -
Looking forward to another great night of worship and prayer at Mott Auditorium tonight at PIHOP’s "The Well." I’ll be playing the 8-10pm set. Come down if you’re in the area!

Nov 7 -
Well, had a great past 6 days since November started! Have played 6 music gigs in 6 days (straight) so I’m a little wee bit tired after all that (especially the 2 hour sets!) Also I’ve had an amazing time getting to be involved with music for the LOVE LA event this week, and am sad that it’s coming to an end tomorrow. Special thanks to my amazing musicians and sound engineer this week for all your hard work and dedication! Couldn’t have done it without you! Tomorrow I am actually taking a day off! But only 1 day... Here I come bed... zzz...

Tracy Thomas at Love LA Mott Auditorium

Nov 6 -
Come down for another amazing night of worship, prayer, intercession, and outreach for our city at LOVE LA at Mott Auditorium/PIHOP. My band will be playing the 6-8pm set: Kelly A. Easter, Christopher Barriente, Adam Henninger, Robert Steele, Teresa King, Ana Lucia Ochoa. We’ve been having an incredible time this week! Join us as we love our city through prayer and intercession in worship.

Nov 5 -
Join us again tonight from 8-10pm at Mott Auditorium/PIHOP for worship, prayer, and intercession for the LOVE LA outreach event!!! My team will be playing tonight during that time: Seth Renken, Rich Renken, Ryan Downer, Julie Herrmann, Ana Lucia Ochoa. Monday night was so awesome, I’m super excited about tonight!

Nov 4 -
Had an UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING time of worship last night at the LOVE LA outreach/prayer event at Mott Auditorium/PIHOP. It was mind-blowing! Seriously phenomenal. At some points during the set, all I could do was laugh, cause I couldn’t believe how powerfully the Spirit was moving in our midst. It was intense! One of the most amazing worship times I’ve had in a long time. Massive thanks to my incredible team of musicians who took us to a whole new level of worship! Kelly A. Easter, Jeff Castanon, Melisa St John Castanon, Isaac Gomes, Caleb Russell, Ana Lucia Ochoa, Sharon Rhodes and our excellent sound engineer Kevin K. Chen! You guys are so wonderful! What an awesome time!!!

Nov 3 -
Join us tonight at the LOVE LA outreach/prayer event at Mott Auditorium/PIHOP in Pasadena!!! I’ll be playing the 6-8pm set tonight. More info: Come love on our city through prayer, intercession, worship and outreach!!!

Oct 30 -
I’ll be playing again tonight on TheWayTV fundraiser event from 7-9pm PST. Can be watched free streaming at:

Oct 29 -
Today is 6 months since my Grandfather passed away. It’s been a hard 6 months, and I still greatly miss having him as a part of my daily life. It’s still hard to believe he’s gone. I think about him so often, and often have the unconscious urge to call him, but then of course the reality sets in. Many memories of times together in his hometown. Often have flashbacks of our walks along the creek, our meals together, our drives around town, and the many long conversations we had in his living room... Seeing as he was one of the closest people in my life, it’s been a sad loss for me in terms of not having him here anymore to talk with and for advice, guidance, and an understanding ear. A couple nights ago I was weeping and weeping as I took some time to reflect on him. The grief is still very real. I know he’s in a better place, but not having him as a part of my life is still a challenge... Love you & miss you Gaga...

Oct 28 -
Playing tonight at Expression58 in Glendale at 7pm. We have a special guest speaker, Bazzel Baz, which will be awesome.

Oct 23 -
If you’re available and in the area, join us tonight for a Fusion event at Christians Community Center of LA at 7pm!

Oct 22 -
Had a great time with some really wonderful friends at the screening of my movie "Gone South" at the Sunscreen Film Festival in Hermosa Beach. Love you guys! Thanks for your support! CLICK to see a fun pic on the red carpet!

Oct 21 -
I’m really honored and excited to have the opportunity to play at the 11.11.14 A Line In The Sand event at the Verizon Amphitheater in Irvine! It’s going to be an amazing time. Please join us if you are available and in the area. It will be from 1-9pm on Nov 11. Admission is free.

Oct 16 -
So happy to finally be back at work on our Doma Carta album after an incredibly busy gig season for me... Was in the studio tonight tracking vocals for our song "Grace," and we also worked on mixes for our songs "Blink Of An Eye" and "Your Fire Burns." I am thrilled with how the songs are shaping up and they are becoming the epic rock songs I’ve always dreamed of creating. Here’s a fun pic of me belting my high notes. It makes me laugh to see my fingers attempting to help me get those notes... This is our hardest song vocally, so I was really going for it!

Tracy Thomas Doma Carta Studio

Oct 14 -
Another pic from the "Gone South" screening on Sat night at Glendale International Film Festival, with my amazing Doma Carta bandmates! (This time with hubby!)

Tracy Thomas GIFF Gone South movie

Oct 13 -
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!

Oct 12 -
My awesome Doma Carta bandmates Jeff and Melisa at the Glendale International Film Festival screening of my movie "Gone South" last night. We had a blast! Thanks guys for coming out to celebrate my Thanksgiving! Way to represent! My peeps!

Tracy Thomas GIFF Gone South movie

Oct 11 -
If you missed it tonight, you can still celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving weekend with me tomorrow (Sunday) by coming out to the screening of my movie "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood" at the Sunscreen Film Fest in Hermosa Beach tomorrow at 3:30pm. I really hope you can make it! I would be so grateful for your support!!! Bring your friends! It’s going to be a blast! The movie is a really fun comedy! We had a great time at the Glendale International Film Fest screening tonight! xoxo!

Oct 11 -
Celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving weekend with us by coming out to watch my movie "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood" at the Glendale International Film Festival today at 5pm!

Oct 9 -
Here’s another fun TV interview that we did on Entertainment City (BT/CityTV) for the Canadian premiere of my movie ’Gone South’:

Oct 7 -
Another red carpet pic from the Canadian premiere of my movie "Gone South." We had so much fun!

Tracy Thomas EIFF Gone South Movie

Oct 6 -
Another fun TV interview from the Canadian premiere of my movie "Gone South":

Oct 6 -
Red carpet pic from the Canadian premiere of my movie "Gone South." Great time with producer/director Leslie Bland.

Tracy Thomas at EIFF Gone South Movie

Oct 6 -
L.A. friends who have been asking when you can see it, my movie "Gone South" will be showing at the Glendale International Film Festival this Saturday Oct 11 at 5pm at MGN Five Star Cinema (128 N Maryland Ave, Glendale, CA 91206), and will also be showing at the Sunscreen Film Festival West in Hermosa Beach this Sunday Oct 12 at 3:30pm (710 Pier Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.) Come on down!

Tracy Thomas Gone South Movie

Oct 5 -
Here’s another fun TV interview I did on CTV News at Five for the Canadian premiere of my movie "Gone South":

Oct 5 -
It was so great having some good friends come out for the Canadian premiere of my movie "Gone South"!

Tracy Thomas at EIFF Gone South screening

Oct 5 -
Made it through 5 Yom Kippur services within 24 hours, and an estimated count of singing/playing over 100 songs/melodies in 24 hours. I think this was the most challenging gig of my entire career. I’m so exhausted it’s not even funny. But I was miraculously able to remember (for the most part) the 45+ songs I had to learn in the past few weeks. I think I’ll sleep all week. Glad that today was day 19 in the string of 19 gigs in 30 days. I’m not doing anything this week but sleep sleep sleep sleep...

Oct 3 -
Well, I made it through today! Wow... Very long day. Had to be up at 6am to head over for sound check for our set at The Summons Hollywood conference. Great morning with a lot of really nice people. Then tonight I sang something like 22 songs for the Fusion Yom Kippur service. It was a beautiful event. Relieved I was able to remember all the new Hebrew songs I learned! Got 4 more Yom Kippur services tomorrow, with another 100 something songs/melodies to sing through tomorrow... It sounds like something along the lines of 8 hours of services! Whew! If you’re in the area, come by and join us! Should be an amazing day! Starts at 10am and goes all day till after 8pm. Tomorrow is day 19 out of a string of 19 gigs this month, so I’m going to sleep for a few days after that! Really looking forward to INFO:

Oct 2 -
Here’s one of the TV interviews we did for "Gone South" on Monday on CTV:

Oct 1 -
Got way too much going on right now. Just flew back to LA tonight, playing The Summons Hollywood conference opening session tomorrow night in NoHo, and then playing the Friday morning session, then the Fusion Yom Kippur event Friday night, and then playing Fusion Yom Kippur services all day Saturday. Still learning another 10-15 new Hebrew songs this week, in addition to the 30 something I learned for Rosh Hashanah. Next week I'm going to S.. L.. O.. W.. D.... O... W... N... . . . . zzz . . . sleeeeeeppp.

Sep 29 -
Wow... super intense day! 7 interviews in 1 day! What?!? That’s the most I’ve ever done in one day. 5 TV interviews, a radio interview, and one other taped interview. Whoa... zzz... We had a really great time at the Edmonton International Film Festival, and the Canadian premiere of our movie "Gone South" went really great tonight. So fun to finally see it on the big screen. Had a super fun time, and really enjoyed getting to be involved with the Q & A afterward. Thanks so much to everyone who came out! I’m immensely grateful for your support! If you missed it, there’s another screening tomorrow (Tues) afternoon at 4pm. I won’t be there unfortunately, cause I’m flying back to LA in the morning! 4 more music gigs this week before Sunday. Sunday I might sleep all day long! See PIC from screening:

Sep 28 -
Will be doing interviews tomorrow on CTV News at Noon & CTV News at Five, 630 CHED radio station at 10:30am, Global TV, CityTV, and possibly CBC radio. It’s going to be a really busy day before the "Gone South" screening in the evening...

Sep 28 -
For my Edmonton friends, hope you can make it to the "Gone South" screening tomorrow night, Mon Sept 29, at 7pm at Landmark Cinemas 9 City Center Edmonton. I’d be so very grateful for your kind support! I hope to see you there! It would be great to catch up with you! xoxoxo

Sep 24 -
Well... tomorrow night (tonight - it’s after midnight) is the BIG night! I have so many different Hebrew songs in my head I hope I remember everything right! Yikes. I think I had to learn over 30 new Hebrew songs for the Fusion Rosh Hashanah events. (I don’t speak Hebrew). It’s been intense to say the least, but I am super excited! Come on down if you’re in the area (NoHo) Wed night Sept 24 at 7pm, and Thurs from 10am to 4pm (ish?). Join the celebration!

Sep 23 -
Catch me on LeaAnn’s show tonight at 6pm PST:

Sep 22 -
To my Edmonton friends, don’t forget my movie "Gone South" is playing at the Edmonton International Film Festival next Monday Sept 29 at 7pm and Tuesday Sept 30 at 4pm at Landmark Cinemas 9 - City Center Edmonton!!! I will be flying up from L.A. to attend the Sept 29 screening, and will be part of the Q & A afterward! I hope you can make it! See FLYER.

Sep 21 -
Had an amazing time this morning at Ascend. It was SOOOO much fun! Awesome singing with Benjo, and so grateful for our incredible bandmates VĂ­ctor, Aaron, Adam, and Vincent!!! Yay! But the best part of the morning is how awesome Jesus is!!!!!!! ’Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the Power, Yours is the Glory, Forever, Amen!’

Tracy Thomas at Ascend Malibu Fellowship

Sep 19 -
Really looking forward to playing tomorrow night Sat Sept 20 from 9-11pm at PIHOP at Mott Auditorium in Pasadena. Had a really great time last Saturday, so I’m very much looking forward to this set too! Should be a blast! Come on out if you’re in the area!!!

Sep 13 -
Intense weekend... Had a great time playing at MegaPraise Ministries in Torrance last night, then at As1 this afternoon in North Hollywood, and just got home from playing a 2 hour set tonight at PIHOP at Mott Auditorium in Pasadena, which was so awesome. Kind of toasted my voice during the set (I have a hard time holding back!) Still got one more to go this weekend, tomorrow morning I will be playing at Ascend Malibu! Excited to have some of my Doma Carta band members playing with me, Victor, Jeff & Melisa! Should be fun. But now gotta get to bed. 6:45am comes early for me... zzz...

Sep 12 -
Tomorrow is the big day!!! The "Gone South" world premiere is happening at the Florida Documentary Film Festival, Sat Sept 13 at 2:45pm at Willow Theatre in Boca Raton! Check out some cool articles and the press release for the premiere:
SunSentinel article:,0,6794868.story article:,0,710015.story
Market Wired press release:

Sep 6 -
For any of my friends in the Boca Raton area in Florida, hope you might make it out for our screening of the film Gone South on Sat Sept 13 at the Florida Documentary Film Festival! INFO.

Sep 5 -
If you haven’t heard it yet, check out our song "On My Knees" (Doma Carta) on itunes right now!

Sept 4 -
Busy month... More gigs than I thought I was scheduling! Whoops! Playing a lot... 19 sets and 2 screenings within a 31 day period, what was I thinking?!? Glad I took a few days off last week!
Sept 4 - "The Truth" on TheWayTV
Sept 7 - E58
Sept 9 - "Uniting the Nations" on TheWayTV
Sept 11 - "The Truth" on TheWayTV
Sept 12 - MegaPraise Ministries
Sept 13 - As1
Sept 13 - PIHOP at Mott
Sept 13 - Gone South screening at Florida Documentary Film Festival
Sept 14 - ASCEND
Sept 16 - E58
Sept 18 - "The Truth" on TheWayTV
Sept 20 - PIHOP at Mott
Sept 21 - ASCEND
Sept 23 - "Uniting the Nations" on TheWayTV
Sept 24 - Fusion Rosh Hashanah
Sept 25 - Fusion Rosh Hashanah
Sept 29 - Gone South screening at EIFF
Oct 1 - The Summons Hollywood
Oct 3 - The Summons Hollywood
Oct 3 - Fusion Yom Kippur
Oct 4 - Fusion Yom Kippur

Sep 1 -
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Our song "On My Knees" will be released on the "Sing Over Me" Dennis Jernigan compilation album! A couple of my other favorite songwriters are featured on the album as well: Charlie Hall and Jennie Lee Riddle (writer of "Revelation Song.") Get your copy on itunes tomorrow!!!

Aug 29 -
If you’re in the area, come pray for Israel & The Middle East with us tonight (Friday) at 6pm. I’ll be leading worship. See FLYER.

Aug 28 -
Well... I have a large number of new Hebrew songs to learn in the next 3 weeks for the upcoming Fusion high holiday services. It seems a daunting task, but I’m excited to learn them. It’s only been a year now since I learned my first song in Hebrew!

Aug 27 -
It was pretty cool to get to pray together with Shirley and Pat Boone, along with other amazing leaders at the My Gathering Place International 10 year anniversary event that I led worship for on Aug 16. I’m not sure how I ended up between the two of them, but it was some pretty super charged prayer! See PIC.

Aug 25 -
Singing to the sunset at Santa Monica pier in "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood." That was a fun moment. I love sunsets. Never sung to one before, though... ha ha ha!

Tracy Thomas in Gone South

Aug 24 -
Amazing time at Ascend Malibu Fellowship this morning!

Tracy Thomas at Ascend Malibu Fellowship

Aug 23 -
Looking forward to leading worship again at Ascend Malibu in the morning! Last week was awesome!

Aug 21 -
Had a super fun rehearsal tonight with my E58 band members. It was truly awesome! Love you guys! Rock on!

Aug 20 -
’Gone South: How Canada Invernted Hollywood’ will be showing at the Florida Documentary Film Festival on Sept 13 ( and at the Edmonton International Film Festival on Sept 29 ( I will be flying up to Edmonton for the screening on Sept 29, and will be a part of the Q&A after the screening. More screening dates to come. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, check it out. Here’s your chance to see my goofy side!

Aug 17 -
Intense weekend... Pretty tired. Had an unbelievably awesome time playing at Ascend Malibu this morning! And a great time yesterday playing at the My Gathering Place 10th anniversary event. Looking forward to some sleep!

Aug 15 -
Check out the movie poster for "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood"! Getting excited to see the film on the big screen in September!

Aug 13 -
It was great to meet actor Alan Thicke on the Gone South shoot! I used to watch Growing Pains when I was a kid, so it was kind of surreal meeting him in person! See PIC.

Aug 12 -
Here it is!!! The official trailer for the "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood" feature comedy documentary! Check it out on YouTube!

Aug 9 -
Wow... super busy day. Been going nonstop since the moment I woke up, threw some clothes on, and frantically ran out the door this morning... Ha ha ha! I seem to be always running out the door! My neighbors must wonder... Had a great time playing at As1 this afternoon, and then an AMAZING time playing at the 7 Years Of Abundance Conference tonight. What a blast that was! Woohoo! Also looking forward to playing at Ascend Malibu in the morning, to top off a great weekend! However I am NOT looking forward to waking up at 6:45am!!! (I’m a night person, if you hadn’t noticed! And I mean LATE night!) Oh bed... here I come! zzz... wait... I think I need a snack first! zzz...

Aug 8 -
Recently got to see a cut of the movie trailer for "Gone South", and it’s pretty funny!!! I will post a link to it once it’s public, so you can see me really be my goofy self (which I’m sure you all really want to see... ha ha ha!) I’m not always so SERIOUS... Also, it’s a little bit surreal to watch myself sing & play for David Foster... What?!?

Tracy Thomas with David Foster

Aug 7 -
It was great to reconnect with actor Dave Thomas (from SCTV) on the Gone South shoot during his interview in the film. He directed me in the movie "White Coats" years ago, so it was super fun to get to hang with him! See PIC.

Aug 6 -
The song "On My Knees" that I was asked to cover, and recorded with my band Doma Carta, for the "Sing Over Me" Dennis Jernigan tribute album will be coming out on iTunes on Sept 2. Check out the site for more info:!album/c1rc7

Aug 4 -
"Gone South" has some screening dates coming up in September at the Florida Documentary Film Festival, as well as the Edmonton Film Festival. I will post dates once I have them!

Tracy Thomas in Gone South

Aug 2 -
Super happy to be playing at E58 tomorrow morning! I’m sooo excited to see what’s going to happen!

Aug 1 -
Had such a blast on the Gone South shoot on set with Calum Worthy from Disney’s "Austin and Ally." He was hysterical! We did a little improvised scene together in the film, and it’s pretty funny. Pretending to be eating Canadian TimBits (or as we reference in the film, "Canadian Donut Holes"), when really they were just some donut holes from a donut shop down the street! Ha ha ha! Super fun to work with him! See PIC.

Jul 28 -
If you don’t yet have it, and would like a copy, you can download my whole album "Before the Dawn" for FREE at the following link:

Jul 24 -
Fun times hanging with Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed at their house while on the Gone South shoot. Shannon is Canadian, and we interviewed her in the film. See PICS.

Jul 23 -
I will be playing at this event this Sat July 27 10am-2pm in Anaheim.


Jul 22 -
Had a really great time playing on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show again yesterday!

Tracy Thomas on Uniting the Nations TheWay TV

Jul 21 -
Upcoming gigs:
Tue Jul 22 - Uniting the Nations TV show
Sat Jul 26 - Day of the Lord Convergence
Sat Jul 26 - As1
Sun Jul 27 - Ascend Malibu
- See gigs page for more info.

Jul 13 -
Thanks to my amazing band members tonight at the E58 Encounter Night for all your hard work and stamina playing for almost 3 hours straight! I'm exhausted! I'm so grateful for your commitment and dedication! It was really fun playing with you all! You guys rock! Thanks for going on the journey with me! xoxo Christopher Barriente, Andrew Egger, Richard P. Towne, Julie Herrmann, Teresa King. And special thanks to Lorri Si Seidensticker for putting it all together! Love you guys!

Jul 7 -
Had the opportunity to meet Tommy Chong during the Gone South film shoot, and we had fun doing a little improvised comedy scene together surrounding Canadian chocolate bars. I've seen the footage in the cut, and it's pretty funny! Check out the photos HERE.

Jul 4 -
Happy 4th to all of my American friends! Have a blast!

Jul 3 -
Come out for the next E58 Encounter Night in Glendale on Sat Jul 12 at 7pm, if you’re in the area!

Tracy Thomas at Expression58 Encounter Night

Jul 1 -
Playing on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show again tonight at 6pm PST. Can be viewed online streaming at:

Jul 1 -
Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian family and friends! Have a blast celebrating! Wish I could be up there!

Jun 30 -
Ok... wow... phew! Just made it through the most intense month of music engagements/gigs, band rehearsals, and sessions I think I’ve ever had in my life... I’m honestly shocked that my voice held up through such a rigorous schedule of singing for almost the entire month. Looking back, I think I might have had 5 nonconsecutive days out of 30 where I wasn’t singing full throttle. But amazingly enough I feel fantastic today (regardless of lack of sleep), and have had such a blast this past week! Had an incredible time singing/playing at E58 this morning! Super fun!!! Only 3 more gigs to go this week, then I should be able to have a little breather! Excited too my Mom is arriving tonight from Canada for a visit!!!

Jun 29 -
Had an amazing weekend playing at the Tipping Point Conference! It was totally awesome! And really looking forward to playing at Expression58 in the morning. Better get to sleep!!!!

Jun 28 -
Had an awesome time last night leading worship at the Tipping Point Hollywood Conference. Tonight’s session is FREE and open to anyone who wants to come. Starts at 5:30pm. I’ll be leading worship again at both the 9am session and the 5:30pm session.

Jun 27 -
Tonight’s session at the Tipping Point Hollywood Conference is FREE! Starts at 6:30pm (I’ll be playing/singing with the team). Come on down if you’re in the area. We had an AMAZING time last night! It was so awesome to hear Shawn Bolz, Doug Addison, and Henry Falany speak! Here’s the info on the conference:

Jun 26 -
Had such a blast tonight rehearsing with the band for the Tipping Point Hollywood conference that starts tomorrow! Can’t wait! What a GREAT bunch of people!

Jun 23 -
Wildly busy season right now... Bad schedule planning on my part this month... 19 music gigs, something like 12-16 rehearsals, multiple recording sessions... Oops... Been going nonstop all month, and it doesn’t slow down at all this week, not till July... On complete vocal rest today to make it through this week! Have barely spoken a word all day... 8 more sets between now and July 2... What was I thinking?!? (But I’m still having fun at least!!!)

Jun 20 -
Really excited about the opportunity to lead worship with Prayersong at the Tipping Point Hollywood Conference next week, June 26-28 at Independence Studio in Woodland Hills! So cool to meet Dr. Charles Robinson on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show on Tuesday! Can’t wait for the conference!

Tracy Thomas Tipping Point Conference

Jun 18 -
Don’t miss my band Doma Carta this Sat Jun 21 at 7pm at The Place in Newbury Park, California. Free admission, all ages!

Jun 17 -
Watch tonight at 6pm PST, I’ll be playing on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show "Uniting The Nations" on The Cross TV, can be viewed online streaming here:

Jun 16 -
Will be appearing again tomorrow Tues night at 6pm PST on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show "Uniting The Nations" on TheCrossTV. Can be seen free streaming at:

Jun 14 -
Join us tonight, if you’re available and in the area, at the Burbank rock festival "Breadfest One" at The Lighthouse at Magnolia Park - 2828 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505. Event is 6-10pm, our band goes on at 7:30pm. It’s going to be a blast!!! All new original material from our upcoming album! Get a sneak peak!

Jun 13 -
Come see us play tomorrow night Sat Jun 14 at 7:30pm at Burbank rock festival Breadfest One, 2828 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505!

Tracy Thomas Doma Carta

Jun 7 -
I am really excited to get to be a part of the first Expression58 live worship album recording session tomorrow night, Sun Jun 8 at 7:30pm! We’ve had an intense week of rehearsals, and it’s going to be a really awesome time of worship! Thrilled to be singing with such an amazing group of musicians/singers: Cody Cloe, Benjo Valcobero, Amanda Gilbertson, Nathanael Gambino, Hannah Higerd, Kait Mosher, Andrew Egger, Christopher Barriente, Jonny Vesely, JC Holborn.

Jun 4 -
Had a really amazing time tonight playing at the Fusion/Ruach Shavuot (Pentecost) gathering. It was really awesome! What an incredible time of worship and teaching!

Jun 3 -
For those in the area, come see my new rock band Doma Carta play LIVE at The Place in Newbury Park, California on Sat Jun 21 at 7pm. Free Admission. All ages welcome.

Tracy Thomas Doma Carta

Jun 2 -
Had a real rockin’ rehearsal with my band Doma Carta tonight at GC Studios. It was super fun! Can’t wait for our upcoming shows June 14 & 21!

Jun 1 -
Had such an amazing time today playing at Expression58 in the morning, and then again at the awesome Ladies Event in the evening! What an epic day of worship! And it was so great to hear Havilah Cunnington speak twice in one day! She was incredible!

May 31 -
Really looking forward to leading worship at Expression58 tomorrow morning at 10am, and can’t wait to hear Havilah Cunnington speak! It will be a great morning!

May 30 -
This week was brutally busy... Not even time to eat! Yikes... Why does it all come at once? Regardless, I’m really looking forward to being back playing at Fusion As1 tomorrow, and SUPER excited to be playing at Expression58 on Sunday morning and for the ladies event on Sunday night. We will have amazing guest speaker Havilah Cunnington at both the morning service and the evening event. She’s awesome! I saw her speak at the last big Jesus Culture event in LA, and it was incredible!

May 27 -
Excited to have a photo shoot today with my band Doma Carta and rehearsal for our upcoming shows in June! Fun fun!

May 17 -
Well, today was very hard and very sad. We had the memorial service for my Grandpa, and the reception and interment. Cried and cried and cried... Miss him so much, and it’s finally becoming a reality that he is gone, now that I am up in Swift Current. Thank you to all the wonderful friends and family who attended, and special thanks to Jonathan Hoskin for leading a beautiful service. Thanks to everyone at St. Stephen’s for everything you did for our family. We are very grateful... Well... Goodbye for now, Gaga (that’s what we called my Grandpa)... I love you so much and I miss you tremendously. You were a huge blessing in my life and I’m so grateful for all of your love and care throughout the years. You are one of the most special people I’ve ever known. Thank you for being such a good man and a faithful Grandfather.

Roy Spence

May 14 -
Had fun getting to meet actor Dean McDermott on the Gone South shoot. Got to do a goofy little improvised scene together surrounding Hawkins Cheezies (Canadian junk fare), which was hysterical. However, it was gross having to eat them, cause I don’t think they have any real food ingredients in them! Ha ha ha! Check out the pics HERE.

May 13 -
You can watch me playing tonight on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show "Uniting The Nations" on The Cross TV for The Way TV network. It is broadcast at 6pm PST. Can be viewed online streaming at

May 12 -
Wow... just made it through a ridiculously busy weekend... I’m surprised I made it through in one piece. Flew back from Boston late night on Fri, 2 gigs Sat, 2 gigs Sun, then a TV show taping this afternoon, and a rehearsal with Doma Carta tonight. It’s amazing I still have any voice left after all that! Had a really amazing time yesterday morning leading at Ascend, and then an awesome time last night playing at the CBS Studios Lee Benton Gathering. Then today had a wonderful experience getting to play on LeaAnn Pendergrass’ show on The Way TV network. Intense... zzz...

May 10 -
Been a rough week. I’m very tired. Had to fly to Boston this week for my Mother-in-Law’s 80th birthday, which we had plans for before my Grandpa passed, so that was a lot to get through. Flew back late last night, and had 2 gigs today, and 2 tomorrow, and one on Monday. Haven’t even gotten to see my family in Canada yet. Funeral service is next Saturday, so flying up to Canada this week. Found myself back in the tears stage of grieving today. I miss him. But it was a good day anyway, I’m just exhausted.

May 2 -
Had a really blessed time getting to lead worship for the National Day Of Prayer Gathering at CBS Studios tonight!

Apr 29 -
This is one of the saddest days of my life. Found out that my Grandfather died suddenly and unexpectedly this morning. He was like a father to me and we were very close, so I feel crushed by this sad news. Been bawling ever since my Mom called to give me the news. He was a great man and made an enormous positive impact on my life. Roy Spence, you will be deeply missed and you will be in my heart forever. I love you so much!

Apr 28 -
Just spent the entire day and night comping and editing guitars and vocals for the songs we recorded for the "Gone South" movie. I am thoroughly exhausted. Spent a large portion of the last 5 days finishing this music project under a tight deadline. It was intense. My head, neck, back, eyes, and everything else hurts. And I’ve still got a really busy week to get through! Too much...

Apr 26 -
Had a great time playing at As1 in North Hollywood today! It was an awesome gathering!

Apr 24 -
Had a great rehearsal tonight with our new band Doma Carta. Prepping for some important gigs coming up in June! Things are coming along well with our album, and the songs just keep getting better and better. Really excited to play them live!

Apr 22 -
Just went nonstop with vocal work and playing guitar every day from April 9 to Apr 20 with gigs, rehearsals, and recording sessions. I think 12 days straight is the most vocal/music work I’ve ever done in a row without a break... Ugh... I didn’t plan it that way. Just finally recouping the last day and a half, and grateful this week isn’t as insane as the last few. Gotta slow down this pace!

Apr 16 -
Had a truly incredible time at the Fusion Passover Seder last night and it was such an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to play the music for it. It was wild trying to learn a bunch of new songs (and in Hebrew, no less) in a short space of time, as I only actually ended up having a day to really prepare the material! Yikes! But it went amazingly well, and I had so much fun! Tonight just got home from a recording session all night, and I’m so worn out! Tracking vocals and guitar for songs that will be in the "Gone South" documentary. Wish I wasn’t so tired, so could have enjoyed the process more. I’ve played way too much guitar over the past 5 days that I now actually have BLISTERS on my callouses! (How is that possible?!?) It was an excruciatingly painful session for me... And my voice is feeling the brunt of singing so much over the past several days. But I’m excited to see the songs incorporated into the next cut. It’s going to be funny!

Apr 15 -
If you’re in the area, come on out for the Fusion Passover Seder tonight at 6pm at Sportsmen’s Lodge! I’ll be singing the hebrew songs for the seder, and I’m super excited! It’s going to be an amazing night!

Apr 13 -
Had an unbelievably incredible time playing at Ascend Malibu this morning! It was so amazing!!! So great to see everyone! Thanks to my awesome band members Ulf Geist, Chris Barriente, Adam Henninger, and Robert Steele! A truly blessed time together in worship!

Apr 12 -
Had an awesome time playing at As1 today and really looking forward to play at Ascend tomorrow morning!

Apr 11 -
Super excited to be playing music for the Fusion Passover seder next Tues night Apr 15! Really looking forward to it! Come out, if you’re in the area! It’s going to be a great night!

Apr 10 -
Having an absolute BLAST up in Victoria doing my voice overs for the "Gone South" feature documentary! So fun! And it’s almost like a vacation getting away from my daily grind!

Apr 8 -
Way too much on my schedule right now! Ahhhhhh! Just got home from a recording session, and have to get ready to fly out tomorrow to Vancouver Island to record my final voiceovers for the "Gone South" feature documentary. I’m so tired. And having a cold is really not fun on top of it all. But super excited about the song we recorded vocals and bass for tonight! Just gotta make it through to April 17th and then things become a little less harry.

Apr 6 -
Had an amazing weekend up in Round Valley at the First Youth Nations rally. It was an incredible time and it was an honor to get to be a part of it. And what beautiful country up there. Stunning! Long drive though, just drove into LA now. Very tired! Have a recording session tomorrow night doing vocals for our band album, then flying off on Tues morning back up to Canada (Victoria) to do my final voiceover work for the "Gone South" doc... Then flying back Friday and a really busy weekend of music gigs... Glad I will have a bit of time off the following week! Woke up with a bad cold this morning too!

Apr 1 -
Flying home in the morning! Happy me! But already traveling again Thurs morning, back Sunday night, then leaving again Tuesday through Friday next week. Really busy month. Need some sleep!

Mar 27 -
I am so exhausted. Been packing up my Grandfather’s place 10-14 hours a day over the past few days and my back is screaming... Ugh... Who knew there could be so much stuff to go through? Also very sad for me, as his home has so many precious memories for me. It feels like I am losing a part of myself as I remove pictures from the walls, wrap dishes and go through many items with years of memories attached. Was especially sad tonight as the furniture got packed into the U-Haul, and I stood looking around and it no longer feels like his home. Letting go is a hard thing to do, especially concerning people we love so much and memories we cherish. A lifetime of happy memories for me, wrapped up in a bunch of stuff... It will be sad to leave here for the last time.

Mar 25 -
Had a blessed time celebrating my Grandfather’s 94th birthday with him and a bunch of his friends on Sunday, and then again yesterday on his actual birthday. I’m so glad he has stuck around this long. I love him so much! Super busy packing his apartment up. Packed 12 hours straight today... zzz...

Mar 15 -
My beautiful hubby just treated me to the most amazing day for my birthday! It was a day filled with fun, surprises, and much joy! I feel so blessed to have such an awesome husband! A very happy day!

Mar 13 -
Spent the whole day comping vocals for our band album. I’m tired... zzz...

Mar 12 -
Fun times with Alex Trebek. See PIC.

Mar 11 -
Started out last week having only 2 confirmed music gigs, by the end of the week I had played 6! Ugh... I’m sooooo tired. And my voice is asking me why I am torturing it! Note to self: slow down... learn to say "no"...

Mar 6 -
Had a really great time playing at PHOP this afternoon. Nice to be back there!

Mar 4 -
Super excited to lead at Expression58 tonight!

Mar 3 -
Really amazing opportunity to meet director Arthur Hiller on the Gone South shoot. Very sweet man. See PIC.

Mar 2 -
We are slowly making progress on our new band album. It’s been a long process due to doing multiple projects at once, but we are moving along. Hoping to wrap it up in the next couple months! Will keep you posted!

Mar 1 -
We all had a blast during Ricky Blitt’s interview in "Gone South", and caught some really funny bits on camera, including the massive chaise lounge. See pic HERE.

Feb 28 -
Very happy to be back home. Glad to have a night’s sleep in my own bed. But still very tired and exhausted from the stress of the trip. Really looking forward to playing at the As1 launch tomorrow and then at Expression58 on Tuesday night! Also, glad we finally have rain in LA, but concerned for those who are affected negatively with flash flooding, and other difficulties due to the heavy rains...

Feb 27 -
Really excited about the As1 launch this Saturday! Come down if you’re in the area! xoxo

Feb 26 -
Flying back to LA tomorrow.

Feb 20 -
Had to make an urgent trip up to Canada on Tuesday to be with my Grandfather, who has been dealing with some health challenges. We had to move him into a care facility today. Yesterday was my last day with him in his home, which was very sad for me. Many years of happy memories in his home. Tuesday was a real challenge getting up here. Left home for the airport at 10am, and didn’t get to my Grandpa’s in Canada till around 4am Wednesday. Once we landed at the airport I had to remind myself how to drive on a highway for 2.5 hours in snowy weather at 1:30am! Ha ha ha! That was fun! I’m really tired, but very glad to be able to be here.

Feb 15 -
Really excited to play tomorrow morning with my band at Ascend Malibu Fellowship! Should be a blast!!!

Feb 13 -
Man, this has been a ridiculously busy week... Trying not to pull my hair out! Finally finished comping vocals for our song "A Moment With You" so we can get started on a real test mix. Looking forward to hearing all the finished tracks come together. Got so many things to keep up with I’ve got red post it notes all over my desk with to do lists scribbled all over them. One day at a time...

Feb 10 -
Looking forward to playing at Fusion tonight! Come down if you’re in the area! 7:30pm.

Feb 9 -
Had such an amazing time singing at Ascend today with CIRCLESiGHT, and it was a huge blessing to have Lou Engle there guest speaking. He shared monumental material and it was a really powerful teaching!!!

Tracy Thomas at Ascend Malibu Fellowship

Feb 8 -
So excited that Lou Engle will be speaking at Ascend Malibu Fellowship tomorrow morning! Really looking forward to hearing him share! Also looking forward to singing with CIRCLESiGHT! It’s been a while since the last time! Should be a super fun morning!

Feb 3 -
Super excited to be launching the facebook page for our new band Doma Carta! We’ve been in the studio the past few months recording our upcoming album, and have just recently been in the process of rolling out our social media networks. Please like our new facebook page to keep up with recording updates, gig schedule, and release date & info: This project is a really cool new collaboration, as it now includes my (amazing) husband, as well as our close friends Jeff & Melisa Castanon, and other great musicians we’ve teamed up with. Also, we are no longer just working on my original material alone, but have been co-writing new material that captures a deeper essence of our overall vision as a band. Thanks for your support!

Feb 2 -
Had a fun day on the "Gone South" shoot today! Great to catch up with Dave Thomas (SCTV) during his interview this morning! I acted in a movie he directed several years ago with Dan Aykroyd and Dave Foley. And then great to meet Alan Thicke later this afternoon for his interview. Looks like this might be our last day of official shooting. Going to miss the crew! It’s been a blast! Can’t wait to see the finished product!

Jan 30 -
Will be starting back up on the Gone South shoot this Friday, interviewing Rich Little. Should be a blast!

Jan 27 -
Extremely busy past week... zzz... Tracked lead vocals for 6 of the songs on our upcoming band album. Boy my voice is pretty tired!

Jan 21 -
Had such an amazingly awesome time leading worship tonight at Fusion, it was such a blessing! And am so looking forward to leading worship tomorrow night (Tues) at Expression58! I feel so blessed this week!

Jan 17 -
Really enjoyed being back leading worship at RuachLA this morning. It was so refreshing! Also really great to hear guest speakers from First Fruits of Zion. A very enlightening day!

Jan 17 -
Had so much fun tonight working on one of our mixes with our guitarist Jeff Castanon tonight. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I’m so excited about the song we were working on, and it’s really a joyful experience getting to hear the intricacies of all the instruments coming together.

Jan 15 -
Really excited about the rough mix of my song "A Moment With You," that we are recording with our new band! It’s so awesome to hear all of the tracks coming together finally!!! Yay!!! I can’t wait till we finish it up! Will be meeting together with our amazing guitarist tomorrow night to work some more on the mix. I’m thrilled to hear these songs come alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 14 -
Back home in LA and so happy for the lovely warm weather after visiting the frosty North... Snow storm in Edmonton on the way to the airport was fun. But the skies cleared for our departure, which was awesome. Had a really wonderful time with my family, and miss them already. But also really nice to be back to the comforts of home.

Jan 7 -
Wow... have encountered some pretty cold weather during or time visiting family in Canada! Yikes! Today wasn’t as bad, but we’ve had a few days/nights around -30C, so that was a little brutal. I’ve definitely acclimatized to the LA weather... It was in the 80s there today... Had such a wonderful time celebrating my nephew’s first birthday at his party on Saturday. I can’t believe it’s already been a year! He’s such a sweet little boy!!! It’s been a real blessing to spend time with my family.


December 30 -
It’s been good to finally have some rest after an extraordinarily intense year!

December 29 -
Hope you all have been having a truly blessed season with family and friends! May you experience great joy during this time!

December 13 -
A pic from the fun times we had at Expression58 last week!

Tracy Thomas at Expression58

December 18 -
Had such an amazing time in worship last night at Expression58. It blessed me big time (I cried often...) A huge thanks to the amazing team Chris Evans, Andrew Egger, Julian Fletcher, Jonny Vesely, Robert Steele, JC Holborn, Kirk Fletcher, Samantha Penhale, Johnny Giovati... I’m so grateful for your wonderful hearts and incredible generosity. I love you guys so much! What a beautiful time in the Presence! It’s such a blessing to be so free in the Spirit together!

December 17 -
Super excited about leading worship at Expression58 tonight! Can’t wait!

December 14 -
Looking forward to playing at Ascend in the morning! Super busy next few days... Played at Ruach this morning, playing at Ascend tomorrow, Fusion on Monday and Expression58 on Tuesday! Fun!

December 10 -
So excited that Cindy Jacobs will be speaking at Ascend Malibu this Sunday morning! Our team will be leading praise and worship that morning as well. Looking forward to it!

December 8 -
Had so much fun with Erin Karpluk the day we worked together on the "Gone South" shoot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! Here’s a few more pics from that day! We literally did her interview standing on the road on Hollywood Blvd, what a riot! View pics HERE.

December 6 -
Had a blast on set of "Gone South" movie with Erin Kapluk. This was one of the most fun days I had on the "Gone South" shoot. Erin was amazing to work with and I had a blast doing our scene together! The funniest part was all the bystanders who kept looking at us, and trying to get into the shot, and asking for our autographs, and trying to figure out who we were! Ha ha ha! — at Hollywood Walk of Fame. See pics HERE.

December 5 -
Just spent the night tracking vocals for my song "A Moment With You" which will be on our upcoming band album. Can't wait to hear them in the mix!

December 4 -
Had a really neat opportunity today to play what is believed to be the original piano from the Azusa Street Revival in LA between 1906 and 1909. It was a pretty wild moment to be playing and singing the songs written by Charles Sines, the worship leader of the Azusa Street Revival, while playing them on his piano! There was definitely something supernatural going on! Woohoo! We were there testing the piano in preparation for the album, "Keys to Heaven," that we will be recording of Sines' original worship songs. I'm honored and excited to be a part of such a historical project.

Tracy Thomas Azusa Street Revival Album

December 3 -
Kind of a whirlwind past few days... Super fun times playing Hanukkah songs yesterday at Ascend Malibu and then again tonight at Fusion. What a blast! Now going to be recording vocal tracks the rest of the week for our new band album... Got so much to do it's ridiculous...

November 30 -
Had a lot of fun playing again at RuachLA this morning, and also really looking forward to playing a couple of Hanukkah songs tomorrow morning at Ascend Malibu Fellowship! Should be a blast! Been learning the songs all week!

November 25 -
Looking forward to playing at Fusion again tonight!

November 24 -
Sweet time this morning at Expression58...

Tracy Thomas at Expression58

November 23 -
I’m so looking forward to leading at Expression58 this Sunday morning! And I can't wait to hear James Goll! So excited!

November 22 -
Super excited to have the opportunity to work on an amazing recording project over the next several months. I will be arranging, recording, and performing a number of original songs written by the worship leader of the Azusa Street Revival, Charles Sines. We will be releasing the first volume of songs in early 2014. This is an awesome project to be a part of, and I'm really looking forward to finishing the first album. More info at: and

November 21 -
Listen to my song "Before the Dawn" on YouTube.

November 20 -
Finally getting back to work on recording my second solo album, as well as our new band album, which we had to put off for a while due to the "Gone South" shoot, as well as other recording projects that came up... Ugh... Way behind on finishing the albums! But excited now to be back at work on them. Julian was tracking bass tracks last night, so I was all stoked to be listening to that for most of the night!

November 19 -
Fun times when we shot a scene for Gone South in front of the Chinese Theatre on the walk of fame in Hollywood! Here's a photo.

November 17 -
Looking forward to playing at Fusion tomorrow night!

November 14 -
Click here to view a pic from when I was hanging with David Foster during his interview for the documentary "Gone South." What an amazing guy!!! A huge privilege to meet him and get to share the screen with him!

November 13 -
Well, it’s been a mammoth past couple weeks being so ridiculously sick while being on set almost every day for the documentary shoot "Gone South", as well as playing gigs... Just wrapped our 2nd leg of shooting on Monday night (of course we did all my voiceovers and closeup on-camera work on the day my voice was most impacted by this sickness!) Yikes! But it was still soooo fun. I miss the crew already. Then I wasn’t sure if my voice would even hold up last night, but still had a super blessed time leading at Expression 58 (with a super raspy voice.) Ha ha ha! Can barely talk today, but happy to have a bit of downtime to recover! So much going on I really need some sleep!!!

November 12 -
Looking forward to playing again at Expression 58 tonight. Last week was amazing, so I’m really excited about tonight! Have a great team of musicians with me too! It’s going to be a blast!

November 9 -
Been having a really fun time this week on the shoot, other than being REALLY SICK! Ugh! And why did the flu decide this week was a good time to visit me?!? Cough cough cough... Was in studio tonight tracking a song for the documentary ("Gone South"). Singing when this sick is not the most fun thing to do... Yikes! But still had a good time! Only 2 days left on this leg of the shoot. Will miss it, but will sleep a lot after that!

November 5 -
Looking forward to playing at Expression 58 tonight!

November 3 -
Posted some pics from the super fun time I had with Neve Campbell on set of the documentary "Gone South." She was amazing! Check them out by clicking here.

November 1 -
Looking forward to playing again at Ruach LA in the morning! Learned a bunch more Hebrew songs this week! Yay!

October 29 -
Was up late last night recording vocal tracks for one of the 4 album projects we’re currently working on... I always love the creative process, cause it feels like I’m actually accomplishing something!

October 26 -
One of the most hysterical parts of shooting Alex Trebek’s interview for the "Gone South" documentary was getting to pretend we were contestants on the show! More funny is to have my old friends Leslie and Ian "schmacting" along with me!!! So... I'm a little goofy... sooooo fun! Check out the funny photo here.

October 24 -
Had the most hysterical time yesterday on the set of Jeopardy for Alex Trebek’s interview for the "Gone South" documentary I’m currently playing myself in! We even got to sit in on a taping of the show before we shot the interview, which was a hoot! And Alex was super nice, did a great interview, and even did a little comedy gag with us as if I were a real contestant on the show (on camera)! And we got some great snapshots of us on set, having a ball! One of the most fun days yet on the shoot! Ha ha ha! Check out a pic by clicking here.

October 23 -
Had the unbelievably incredible honor to meet legendary music producer David Foster last Thursday during his interview for the Canadian documentary "Gone South," which I am currently playing myself in. Even more amazingly I had the opportunity to sing one of my original songs for him, which was caught on camera for the documentary. And even more awesome than that, David very kindly invited me to come the next day to sit in on a recording session he was doing with Bryan Adams!!! I was stunned! Had a phenomenal time getting to hang with them in the studio on Friday, and watch 2 music masters at work! It was pretty mind-boggling, actually! What an immensely cool learning experience to get to be a part of that! Wow! And to top it all off, Bryan very kindly gave us tickets for his show in Long Beach on Saturday night, and he was truly amazing doing his acoustic show! And he also kindly spent some time with us backstage after the show! It was a pretty wild 3 days, I must say, and I’m so immensely grateful for their kindness and generosity! They are both really amazing people!

October 20 -
Been having an amazing time so far on the documentary I’m in, and have met some truly remarkable people. It’s a real privilege to be involved. Looking forward to shooting over the next 3 days! Should be super fun! Also had an awesome time playing at Ascend Malibu this morning! It was a blast!

October 16 -
It was truly a pleasure to meet Neve Campbell today on set during her interview for the documentary I’m currently a part of. She’s such a wonderful person, and it was so fun to get to do a little goofy Canadian bit together!

October 15 -
Tomorrow is my first day on set for the comedic documentary "Gone South: How Canada Invented Hollywood" that I will be in. We are interviewing Neve Campbell tomorrow! Should be a blast!

October 7 -
I’m truly looking forward to co-leading a night of worship along with Dwight Angelito this Saturday Oct 12 at Expression58 in Glendale, starting at 7pm. It is going to be an amazing time in the presence!!! The experiences I’ve had in worship at E58 so far have always been off-the-charts! Can’t wait!

September 28 -
Looking forward to playing with my band tomorrow at Ascend! Will be great to see everyone!

Sept 26 -
Here are some photos from our final mix session of "On My Knees: click here.

September 25 -
Looking forward to playing at Ruach L.A. on Saturday, then at Ascend Malibu Fellowship on Sunday, and then singing at Expression58 on Tuesday! Should be a great time at all places!

September 18 -
Really tired after a very intense past month... But feeling happy inside. Looking forward to some vocal rest the next week and a half... really need it right now! Our master for the compilation album we’ve been asked to cover a song for is almost complete. It’s been one of the longest recording, mixing, and mastering processes I’ve ever experienced for 1 song! Yikes! But it’s sounding fantastic, so that’s good!

September 14 -
Had a really wonderful time playing the morning and evening Yom Kippur services at Ruach/Fusion today! It was so cool to have the opportunity to learn all new songs, and hebrew songs as well! A blessed day! And I’m so excited to have the opportunity to lead worship at Expression 58 tomorrow morning at 10am!!! Can’t wait!!!

Sept 2 -
Some pics from our mix session of "On My Knees: click here.

August 28 -
Mammoth vocal day in the studio yesterday tracking my final lead vocals and background vocals for the song we’re finishing up this week. Boy, was my voice ever tired at the end of the session!!! Ugh! But I’m happy about the tracks we got down and can’t wait to hear it altogether with the mix! I think I have a little too much on my schedule right now! Yikes! I’m off to Pasadena International House of Prayer right now to play a set from 2-4pm, but then I’m taking vocal rest for the remainder of the week and weekend!

August 25 -
3 BIG days in the studio starting tomorrow!!! Tracking drums and vocals, then to mix! Racing against the deadline (Sunday)!!! This song is going to be so cool! Can’t wait for you all to hear it!

Aug 18 -
Had a blast singing with CIRCLESiGHT at Ascend this morning! Looking forward to playing Fusion tomorrow night!

Aug 16 -
Late night rehearsal with the band last night... zzz... Working hard on arranging a cover tune we’ve been asked to record for a compilation album for a well known artist. Turning a slow piano ballad into a hard rock song is a challenge, and trying to make it more contemporary is stretching us, but I’m really excited to see where it’s going! Very tight deadline to record and mix the song, so I’ll be "nose-to-the-grindstone" the next 2 weeks to get it done! Super excited that one of my other favorite artists is also doing a cover for the album as well!

Jul 30 -
Had a blast today coming up with background vocal harmonies and laying down some scratch tracks for them on the songs for my 2nd record. I LOVE harmonies, so it’s always super fun for me to get creative that way!

Jul 29 -
Looking forward to playing at Fusion tonight at 7:30pm!

Jul 22 -
It was a real blessing to get to see Martin Smith (of the band Delirious) again at Angelus Temple yesterday morning. The worship time was incredible, and it was a real privilege to get a second opportunity to chat with Martin after the service! Especially since my hubby got to meet him this time too! Martin and his family are such amazing, down-to-earth, humble people. We were greatly blessed by that! Can’t wait to see them again tonight at JC LA! 2 of my biggest influences leading together: Kim Walker-Smith & Martin Smith at the conference tonight!

Jul 21 -
Was just listening back to the recording of our rehearsal this past Thursday, and was listening to the new song my hubby and I co-wrote and brought to the band for the first time. In just listening to it, I started to get super excited, and it’s really ROCKIN’! This is the first song we’ve co-written and worked on together at this level, and I am so thrilled to be bringing the song to life with our band! Can’t wait for you all to hear it on our upcoming album!

Jul 14 -
Check out there awesome photos from our gig at the God’s Green Earth Festival at Venice Beach. Amazing photography by Amanda Graziano. CLICK HERE to view.

Jul 13 -
We had an awesome time playing at the God’s Green Earth Festival at Venice Beach yesterday!!! It was super fun, despite the fact that I still had the FLU, a fever, AND unfortunately I scorched myself in the sun during our set!!! OOPS! When I got home I wasn’t feeling so hot, and was RED as a lobster! HAHAHA! A huge thank you to all of you who came out in support! We are humbly grateful for you all! My heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Amanda Graziano, who was our photographer for the gig! Check her out! & Also, my immense appreciation to Dean Kirkland who shot video for our set!!!

Jul 2 -
If you’re in the area on Fri Jul 12 afternoon, join us for a fun day at Venice Beach! We'll be playing at the God’s Green Earth Festival. CLICK HERE for info.

Jun 30 -
Behind the scenes photos from Day 1 of the shoot for our music video "Shine Your Light On Me": CLICK HERE.

Jun 24 -
Here's some photos from when we played at the Fort Mojave First Youth Nations Rally: CLICK HERE.

Jun 21 -
Check out some photos from the last time we played at Ascend: CLICK HERE.

Jun 12 -
Click here to listen to the song I wrote for my wonderful hubby, "Here I Am With You," from my debut album.

May 24 -
Here's some photos from rehearsal for my 2nd album: CLICK HERE.

May 23 -
Click here to watch video footage of my song "Victory In You" LIVE from the House of Blues Sunset.

May 15 -
Looking forward to another rehearsal with my band tonight! Getting closer to finishing the arrangements for the new album! Very exciting!!!

May 6 -
Looking forward to playing at Father’s House this Thursday night in Chino, CA! Click here for info.

Apr 30 -
What a great weekend we had up in Apple Valley and Victorville! Hubby and I had a blast playing up there! Busy week ahead. Will be in studio recording scratch vocal tracks tomorrow night for the new song my guitarist and I recently cowrote. Then 4 hr rehearsal Thurs night with band to further work on new album arrangements. And a bunch of prep work for getting into the studio with the whole band! Very exciting times!

Apr 27 -
Very much looking forward to playing with my hubby tonight in Apple Valley at 7pm! It's going to be a super fun night! For anyone in the area who is planning on attending and haven’t yet let me know, RSVP on the event, so I know you'll be there! Thanks!!!

Apr 21 -
Had a really wonderful time getting to sing with CIRCLESiGHT this morning at Ascend! It was really sweet to finally be back there and singing with the band after 6 months away. So lovely to see everyone, and feel such kind love from everyone! It was a really awesome morning! Made my day!

Mar 16 -
Click here to see some photos from the autograph signing after A Wrinkle In Time.

Mar 14 -
Check out some photos from our gig at Nola's Downtown LAhere.

Mar 13 -
A few pics from playing at PIHOP:click here.

Mar 9 -
Posted some photos from our gig at the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood.Click here to view.

Mar 6 -
I’m stoked to have the opportunity to perform again in this year’s MainStreet Theatre Company Spring Benefit! It should be a real blast! We had our first meeting to go over the show order last night, and it was so much fun! Check out the invite for details!

Feb 25 -
For those of you who have contacted me in the past and have expressed interest, I have FINALLY uploaded all the chord charts for my entire album "Before the Dawn" onto my website. They can be downloaded for free at the following link: Enjoy!

Feb 21 -
Super busy week already working on my 2nd album! It's been such a blast! Was in the studio on Monday laying down tracks for some more new songs, then had an arranging session yesterday, which was so much fun! Been working on getting my electric guitar chops back (the little chops I had)! And my hubby and I even did some songwriting together a few nights ago (which is a first!) It's a creative season!

Feb 20 -
Check out the video of my song "You Are Beautiful" LIVE at the Troubadour here.


Nov 17 -
Photos from our last gig at House of Blues Sunset: click here.

Nov 15 -
Click here to check out some video footage of my song "Your Fire Burns" LIVE at the Troubadour in West Hollywood.

Nov 11 -
Excited to be going to the Los Angeles Ovation Awards Ceremony tomorrow night! Our production of A Wrinkle In Time is nominated for 4 different awards, including Best Production of a Play! It should be a fun night and great to see everyone!

Nov 8 -
Here’s some video footage a friend of mine got of one of my newer songs "A Sad Day" (not yet recorded) from when we played at the Troubadour in West Hollywood. This was the first live public performance of the song.

Oct 30 -
CLICK HERE to view some more pics from when we played at The Viper Room on Oct 8! What a night! Photography by Kaley Nelson.

Oct 29 -
Had an incredible time at the First Youth Nations Revival Gathering in Fort Mohave this weekend! It was an unbelievable experience!

Oct 25 -
I’m very much looking forward to being involved tomorrow and Saturday in the First Youth Nations Revival Gathering in Fort Mohave, Arizona! If you're in the area, come on down! Check out this video for more info: Also more info available on their website:

Oct 16 -
Just posted a ton more photos from our music video shoot HERE.

Oct 9 -
We had an unbelievably awesome time playing last night at The Viper Room! It was a phenomenal night!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of those who came out and supported!!! It meant so much to me to have you all there!!! Check out a few fan photos: HERE.

Oct 7 -
My dear friends in the LA area, I hope you'll make it down to The Viper Room tomorrow night (Mon) at 7:30pm!!! It's going to be a truly amazing night!!! Can't wait!!! Hope to see you there! Get your advance discount $10 tix at

Oct 1 -
I'm SOOOOOO excited to be playing with CIRCLESiGHT at The Viper Room next Mon Oct 8 from 7:30-9pm! We had 2 awesome rehearsals together last week, and I have a feeling that it's going to be a truly amazing night!!!

Sept 15 -
I'll be playing along with CIRCLESiGHT at The Viper Room in West Hollywood on Oct 8th! If you're in LA area, I'll hope you'll come!!! MORE INFO HERE.

Sept 13 -
So excited! The production of A WRINKLE IN TIME in which I played Meg back in Apr/May just got nominated for an Ovation award (award for excellence in theatre in Los Angeles) for BEST PRODUCTION OF A PLAY!!! Yay!!! Check out some of the photos HERE

Sept 7 -
Thanks so much to everyone who has already watched our music video on YouTube since we released it last night! I'm so grateful for your support! For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I hope you might take a few mins to watch it on YOUTUBE! I'd also really appreciate if you'd "like", share, and comment on YouTube! Thank you!!!

Sept 6 -
Here it is!!! Watch the OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO for my song "Shine Your Light On Me" right now on YOUTUBE! If you like it, please press "Like" on YouTube and leave a comment! And please share with your friends! I really appreciate your support! xoxo!

Sept 5 -
Teaming up with CIRCLESiGHT for a gig at The Viper Room on Oct 8 at 8pm!!! It's going to be a blast! Check out the flyer HERE.

Sept 3 -
So excited, we're having the first screening of our music video for my song Shine Your Light On Me for cast and crew tonight!!! Can't wait! Also, we'll be releasing the video to the world TOMORROW!!! Yay!

August 31 -
I've got an intense couple of days ahead of me! 5 sets in 2 days, and all over the place. Tomorrow morning and afternoon at the CMC International Leaders Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, then tomorrow night & Sun morning at the Pepperdine CLS Retreat up in the San Bernadino mountains, then Sunday night at Coast in Torrance!!! It's going to be a lot of driving!!! :O Looking forward to it!

August 28 -
Pics from when we were at House of Blues Dallas HERE.

August 27 -
Had a wonderful interview last night on WAW Radio with Scott Allen! I've never done a 2 hour interview! It was intense! :D The archived interview should be up soon on the player on if you didn't get a chance to listen in. Thanks to Scott for a great interview!

August 26 -
Looking forward to my interview on WAW Radio in 1 hour! I hope you'll listen in!

August 25 -
I'll be doing an interview on WAW Radio tomorrow (Sun Aug 26) from 8-10pm PST! You can listen live at It will also be archived for future listening at I hope you'll tune in!!!

August 22 -
Wow, we had so much fun playing the House of Blues Dallas last night! What a great venue and a great town!!! Looking forward to coming back again someday!

August 21 -
Had such a blast singing last night at the AMTC Fusion Event in Dallas! And what a great group of people! Looking forward to the House of Blues tonight!

August 19 -
Flying out to Dallas tonight for a whirlwind trip!!! Never been there before, but am very much looking forward to seeing the city! And looking forward to singing at the AMTC Fusion Event tomorrow night, and then the House of Blues on Tuesday night!

August 14 -
Take a sneak peak at some screen shots from our music video of my song Shine Your Light On Me, which will be coming out next month! CLICK HERE.

August 12 -
Looking forward to singing with CIRCLESiGHT at the House of Blues Dallas, TX on Aug 21 at 8pm! Should be a fantastic night! MORE INFO HERE.

August 11 -
Excited to be singing with CIRCLESiGHT in Dallas, TX on August 20th at 7pm at the AMTC Fusion Event! MORE INFO HERE.

July 30 -
I'll be leading again at Ascend on Aug 19 at 10:30am!

July 28 -
So happy to be back in LA, and very much looking forward to playing at Ascend in the morning!!!

July 12 -
Join us at Nola's in Downtown L.A. TONIGHT at 9pm.

July 9 -
Tracy Thomas Band LIVE at Nola's in Downtown LA this Thursday July 12th at 9pm. INFO HERE!

July 6 -
We hope you'll tune in for our interview and live performance tomorrow morning (Sat) at 10am PST on Gosh!Radio's Meet the Music! Watch LIVE at

July 5 -
We're doing a radio interview this Sat Jul 7th from 10am-11am PST on Gosh!Radio's Meet the Music. We'll be performing 3 songs live on the show in addition to the interview. You can watch it online starting at 10am at Also, they'll be accepting calls from countries around the world, so check out the site for a local number in your area if you want to call in! Johnny Franco and Yuichiro Kevin Asami will be on the show with me. CLICK HERE for more info!

July 3 -
Check out some more photos from when we played at Troubadour in West Hollywood! CLICK HERE!

June 25 -
I'll be leading again at Ascend on July 1st at 10:30am!

June 22 -
Wow, just got through a whirlwind last 3 months and am so happy to finally have a short breather so I can get back into the studio and track our 2nd album, as well as get ready for the release of our music video for "Shine Your Light On Me"! So close to being done! Can't wait for everyone to see it! Also gearing up for an interview on Gosh!Radio's Meet the Music on July 7th. Stay tuned for info if you might want to listen!

June 17 -
The Tracy Thomas Band won the Best Band award at the eWorld Music Awards at Paramount Studios Hollywood on Saturday June 16th, 2012! Check out the photos HERE!

June 16 -
We won the Best Band award at the eWorld Music Awards tonight at Paramount Studios in Hollywood! Thanks so much to everyone who voted for us! Really appreciate your support! Congrats to the band: Johnny Franco, Simon Huber, Yuichiro Kevin Asami, and Ng Yuhong. You guys rock!

May 31 -
SO excited we are almost finished the editing process of our music video of my song "Shine Your Light On Me." It is so amazing! Can't wait for the world to see it! :D

May 18 -
Just saw the first rough cut of our music video, and it's AWESOME!!! So excited!!!

May 9 -
Had another 2 awesome shows today of our production of "A Wrinkle in Time." This has been an amazing process, and this show is so incredible to get to perform in! Come down and check it out if you can! Also, check out the photos of the show: More info on show times and tickets here:

May 5 -
Let me know if any of you want FREE tickets for the House of Blues Sunset Mainstage on Wed May 16 at 7pm!!! We hope to see you there!

April 29 -
It was so wonderful to be back at PIHOP last night! Had a truly amazing time playing with Shant Anjunyan, Jeremiah R. D. Clark, Robert Steele, Baldwin Thai, Quoleshna Ze'nean, Renee Doe, and Gina Scoles. Thanks you guys for making my first set back feel so much like home! xoxoxo! You guys are awesome!

April 29 -
Just finished our 2nd week of intense rehearsals for our production of "A Wrinkle In Time." I'm wiped... It's exhausting playing Meg!!! But so much fun too! Having a fantastic time working with amazing artists Jeremy Lelliott, Royce Johnson, Amanda Pajer, Matt Foyer, Ted Barton, and great artistic team and crew Robert Castro, Mireya Hepner, Pat Loeb, Sally Jacob, Victoria Petrovich, Raquel Barreto, Brian Gale, John Zalewski, Tony Schondel, Andrew Nagy, Mario Sanchez, Matt Moreau... Can't wait till our first show on Friday!!! :D

April 23 -
We're playing again at the House of Blues Sunset Strip mainstage on Wed May 16 at 7pm! Get your FREE TICKETS at

April 22 -
Wow, just finished an intense week of rehearsals for A Wrinkle In Time! We're moving a lightning speed! I'm really tired...zzz... playing a 12 year old every day takes it's toll... :D

April 18 -
Who wants FREE tickets for the HOUSE OF BLUES Sunset Strip Mainstage show on Wednesday May 16th starting at 7pm??? We'll be playing there AGAIN!!! 3rd time within 6 months! :D So looking forward to it! We had a blast last time! Hope you can make it!

April 18 -
Had a great first 2 days of rehearsal for A Wrinkle In Time. Amazing cast and production team!

April 16 -
So excited to start rehearsals tomorrow for the production of A Wrinkle In Time that I am performing the role of Meg in! It's going to be so great! I can't believe I'm playing a 12 year old!!!!!!!!! INFO HERE!

April 15 -
Just had an AMAZING last 2 days shooting our music video for our song "Shine Your Light On Me"! What a dream come true! It couldn't have gone any better! PHENOMENAL crew, cast, and musicians! Wow! I'm soooooo excited to see the footage! It's going to be so cool!!! My deepest heartfelt thanks to Billy Bonifield, Roxanne Bonifield, Nick White, Ryan Nguyen, Sam Cieply, Cary Gallagher, Evan Wilhelm, Gary Lee Reed, Gary Lamb, Joseph Barone, Johnny Franco, Simon Huber, Yuichiro Kevin Asami, Jeff Castanon, Yuhong Ng, Lisa Rodriguez, and of course my wonderful hubby! I'm immensely grateful for your incredible generosity!!!

April 13 -
Can't believe I have to be up in 5 hours to shoot a 12 hour day... zzz... but SOOOO excited to be starting on our first day of shooting our music video for "Shine Your Light On Me"! It's going to be fun shooting on location in downtown LA!

April 7 -
1 week until we start our video shoot! Yay!

April 5 -
Gearing up for our music video shoot on April 14 & 15!!!

March 21 -
Had another great script revision meeting tonight with my producer Billy Bonifield and director Nick White for the music video we're shooting of my song "Shine Your Light On Me." It just keeps getting better and better. I'm so looking forward to the shoot! Thank goodness for Skype! I can be in Canada and have a meeting in LA! I'm so grateful to be working with such an amazing creative team as Billy and Nick! They're fantastic! Thanks guys!

March 19 -
I'm thrilled to have been offered the role of Meg in the MainStreet Theatre Company's production of "A Wrinkle In Time" (stage adaptation by John Glore, from the book by Madeleine L'Engle)! It runs in May. Can't wait to start rehearsals in April!

March 3 -
Really looking forward to playing again tomorrow morning at Ascend Malibu Fellowship, and then in the evening at Coast Christian Fellowship! It's going to be an awesome day!

March 2 -
Had a great meeting last night with the director and producer for the music video we're about to begin shooting! I'm really looking forward to it!

March 1 -
The Tracy Thomas Band will be playing at Coast Christian Fellowship this Sunday night, March 4th, at the IDK service at 6:30pm.

February 29 -
Finally finished the script for our music video of "Shine Your Light On Me" this past Sunday morning! I'm super excited about it! Can't wait to start shooting!

February 28 -
I'll be playing next at Ascend Malibu Fellowship on March 4th.

February 27 -
Singing with David Brymer at PIHOP this Wednesday morning from 8am-10am.

February 26 -
I'll be co-leading at PIHOP on Monday mornings from 10am-12noon.

February 25 -
I'll be playing today at PIHOP from 5-6pm before The Well.

February 24 -
I'll be playing at the Women's Worthy Conference tomorrow in Cypress, CA starting at noon. CLICK HERE for more info!

February 22 -
Working on the story line for the music video of "Shine Your Light On Me" that we'll be shooting in March! So excited!

February 20 -
Check out some of the photos from our gig at the Troubadour on Saturday! Click here.

February 19 -
We had a truly remarkable time at the Troubadour last night! Thank you so much to my wonderful friends who came out in support. It meant so much to me to have you all there!

February 17 -
Well, the time has finally come... tomorrow night is the night... we're going to ROCK the Troubadour!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

February 15 -
I am so totally THRILLED to be introducing 2 brand new songs when we play this Saturday night at the Troubadour! Had another great rehearsal with the band yesterday working on the new material, and I am just soooo excited to hear them come to life! I can't wait to share them!!! :)

February 9 -
Upcoming gigs:
2/11/12 PIHOP
2/12/12 ASCEND
2/13/12 PIHOP
2/15/12 PIHOP
2/19/12 ASCEND
2/20/12 PIHOP
2/22/12 PIHOP
3/4/12 ASCEND
3/18/12 ASCNED

February 8 -
In pre-production for the music video we'll be shooting of "Shine Your Light On Me" in March! Can't wait!

February 7 -
Gearing up this week for our gig at the Troubadour on Sat Feb 18... So much work to do! :P

February 5 -
We'll be playing at the legendary music club, the Troubadour, in West Hollywood on Sat Feb 18! Can't wait!

February 3 -
We had a great time playing at the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood last night. Thanks so very much to all of our amazing friends who came out to support us!!! Love you all!

February 2 -
Hope to see you tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood at 8:30pm!!!

February 1 -
2-2-2012 - Now tell me, what's a better thing to do on a Thursday night than joining us at the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood?!? It's going to be such an awesome night!!! :)

January 31 -
So totally excited and stoked about playing at Hard Rock Cafe this Thursday! Had such a fun and inspiring rehearsal with my band today... They're so awesome... :D How did I ever get to play with such amazing musicians!?! And it was rad going to the venue tonight to check it out in advance. Never been there. I'm just giddy about the whole thing! It's going to be a blast!

January 30 -
Don't miss the event we are playing at Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood this Thursday night! This is an awesome venue (it's huge!), located at the Hollywood & Highland Center, beside the world-famous Kodak Theater, and just steps away from Graumans Chinese Theater. It's going to be a super fun night!!! Hope you'll come on down!

January 28 -
Had a really amazing time playing at the Transformations Workshop today at PIHOP! It was awesome!

January 27 -
Hope you'll come down to the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood next Thursday night, if you're in the area!

January 25 -
I'll be leading at PIHOP for the Transformations Workshop this Saturday, Jan 28 from 10am-2pm.

January 24 -
I'll be singing with David Brymer at PIHOP on Wednesday mornings from 8-10am for the next few months!

January 23 -
We'll be playing at the legendary Troubadour club in West Hollywood on Saturday Feb 18 at 7pm! More info here!

January 22 -
We're going to be playing at the Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood on Thursday Feb 2 at 8:30pm! Check out the facebook invite.

January 7 -
Thanks to everyone who came out to the House of Blues last night! I'm so very grateful for your incredible support! And thanks to the venue for making it such an awesome night for us! We had a fantastic time!

January 7 -
Check out some of the photos of our show at House of Blues Sunset Strip last night! Click here.

January 3 -
Come celebrate the beginning of this New Year with us this Fri Jan 6 at 7pm at the House of Blues!!! Free tickets!

January 1 -
Happy New Year to you all! I really appreciate all of your incredible support this past year. May you have the most amazing 2012! xoxo!


December 24 -
I forgot to mention that our show at House of Blues Jan 6 is 18 and over, so all those of you who can't usually come cause it's 21 and over, you'll finally get your chance!

December 24 -
If you happen to be in the L.A. area on Fri Jan 6, I hope you will come to our FREE SHOW at the House of Blues Hollywood Mainstage at 7pm! See the invite for details!

December 15 -
Guess what? We're back playing at the House of Blues Hollywood on January 6th at 7pm, but this time on the MAINSTAGE! And it's a FREE show!!! What's better than FREE? ;) Hope you'll come, if you're in LA that night!!!

December 12 -
Wow, what a whirlwind weekend!!! I'm so tired today! zzz... Played the afternoon/evening sessions Fri & then Sat night at the BMI Conference in Colton, CA, then played at Ascend in Malibu yesterday morning, then drove all the way back out to Colton last night to be at the closing session! It was a total blast, but I need about 3 days of sleep!!! :P Was great to see everyone at the conference, and meet so many amazing new people too! What a fun weekend!

December 6 -
Playing this Friday at the BMI Conference in Colton, CA.

December 5 -
Going to take most of the month of December to continue working on my second album. Excited to get some time back in the studio!

December 3 -
Looking forward to playing at Ascend in the morning!

November 26 -
Hope all my American friends had a lovely Thanksgiving!

November 22 -
Just got through a wildly busy week last week!!! 6 gigs in 7 days, and an audition yesterday! So tired... Looking forward to a little rest.

November 19 -
Looking forward to playing at Ascend Malibu in the morning!

November 18 -
I'm leading at the Healing Service at PIHOP tonight from 8-10pm. Hope you'll join us if you're in the area!

November 16 -
I'm leading the Intercession for Israel set at PIHOP tomorrow from 6-8pm. Join us, if you're in the area!

November 12 -
Had a really awesome time playing at the House of Blues last night! It was rad! Thanks to everyone who came out! I'm so grateful for your loving support!

11-11-11 -
Hope you'll join us tonight at the House of Blues Hollywood if you're in the area!

November 10 -
Had a great time rehearsing with my band last night for our show tomorrow night at House of Blues Hollywood! It's going to be an awesome night! Can't wait! :)

November 7 -
Gearing up for our gig this Friday night 11-11-11 at House of Blues Hollywood! Really looking forward to it! Maybe I'll get to catch up with my old bud Dan Aykroyd! ;) ha ha ha - kidding! (I acted with him in a couple scenes in a movie, and when I first moved to LA he gave me free tickets to a show at the House of Blues Hollywood - 1st time I ever set foot in there! What a riot, hey?) Funny... back then I never thought I'd play there one day! :)

November 6 -
Had such an incredible time playing at Ascend Malibu this morning! It was so awesome!!! :)

October 28 -
Playing tomorrow morning at Ruach L.A.

October 27 -
Check out my GIGS page for info on the following upcoming gigs:
10/29/11 RUACH LA
10/31/11 PIHOP
11/6/11 ASCEND
11/7/11 PIHOP
11/12/11 SHUT THE DOOR Women's Conference
11/14/11 PIHOP
11/20/11 ASCEND
11/21/11 PIHOP
11/28/11 PIHOP
12/4/11 ASCEND
12/11/11 ASCEND
01/08/12 ASCEND
01/22/12 ASCNED

October 26 -
Don't miss our show at House of Blues Hollywood on 11-11-11 at 9pm!

October 24 -
Playing at Fusion tonight in Hollywood at 7:30pm!

October 21 -
Join us tonight at the Worship Night in NoHo:

October 18 -
Really looking forward to the Free the Inside gathering tomorrow night (Wed) that I'll be playing at!

October 14 -
11-11-11 Tracy Thomas & Band at House of Blues Hollywood.

October 13 -
I hope you might join us as we gather together for a night of praise and worship for our heavenly Father on Fri Oct 21 at 7:30pm in North Hollywood. It's going to be a blessed evening.

October 10 -
Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

October 9 -
Very much looking forward to playing at Ascend Malibu again in the morning, and also getting the opportunity to hear guest speaker Dwayne Roberts from onething/IHOP!

October 8 -
If you missed my interview today on the radio show NewNotes on 90.1 FM KBPK, it will also be broadcast tomorrow (Sunday) at 5pm PST. .

October 7 -
We had the most phenomenal time playing at the Mile High Club last night at Busby's East! It was sooooooooooo awesome!!! Thanks for all who came out! xoxo!

October 4 -
Had the most amazing rehearsal with my band tonight for our gig this Thursday!!! It was so awesome!!! I had one of those once-in-a-lifetime dream-come-true moments where I was like, "I just really want to do this for the rest of my life! Can't we just play music all the time?!?" It was a moment in time where everything was RIGHT, and I was so happy! :) Ah, words can't express what I'm trying to say... I am so excited for our show on Thursday! :)

October 3 -
Check out my interview on the radio show NewNotes on 90.1 FM KBPK this Saturday, Oct 8, at 5pm PST.

October 2 -
Dwayne Roberts, the International Director of "onething" (IHOP), will be speaking at Ascend Malibu this Sunday Oct 9th! Dwayne helped start the original IHOP in Kansas City. I'm looking forward to it! Excited that I have the opportunity to play that morning too! :) See invite for details:

October 1 -
If you're in L.A., I hope you'll make it to our show this Thurs Oct 6 at 8:30pm at The Mile High Club at Busby's East on Wilshire & La Brea. Check out the invite for further details:

September 28 -
Wow, it's a packed next few weeks with rehearsals and gigs!!! Oct 2 playing at Ascend Malibu, Oct 6 at The Mile High Club at Busby's East, Oct 9 again at Ascend, then I have the opportunity to play at the Free the Inside Gathering at Hope Chapel of the Valley on Oct 19, and then will be leading a worship night at Iglesia Evangelica Bethel. Also been and will be doing a lot of work in the studio tracking for my 2nd album!!! So much to do!!! :P

September 24 -
I'm excited about the opportunity to play tonight at the Vineyard Xtreme final gathering. It will be wonderful to see old friends, and have a good time of reflection on the years we shared together there. For any old VX-ers, I hope you will join us tonight. Or for anyone in the area who might want to spend some sweet time in the Father's presence, come on down!

September 23 -
Don't miss our show at THE MILE HIGH CLUB at BUSBY'S EAST on Wilshire on Thurs Oct 6 at 8:30pm!!!

September 22 -
Looking forward to playing this Saturday night down in Torrance at VX! It will be a great blast from the past! More info here.

September 21 -
We'll be playing at The Mile High Club at Busby's East on Wilshire in L.A. on Thursday October 6th at 8:30pm!
Check out the invite for details:

September 12 -
Had such an incredible time playing at Ascend Malibu yesterday! What a beautiful morning it was! So awesome...

September 8 -
It's going to be a fun Malibu weekend! I don't know if I've ever spent so much time in Malibu over a span of 2 days! (Have never had the pleasure of living there, like some of my friends!) Looking forward to playing at the SPAN Missions gathering on Saturday, and at Ascend Malibu on Sunday!

September 4 -
Had a really blessed time playing at Hope Chapel today. Was really wonderful to reconnect with some old friends, and meet a bunch of new people too! Thanks to Jeff Fisher for the opportunity!

September 3 -
Looking 4ward 2 the opportunity 2 play @ Hope Chapel of the Valley 2morrow a.m. SUPER stoked that KIM BIGLER will b teaching & so rad that Ben Bigler will b playing drums w/ us! Haven't played w/ him in 6 years! The biggest highlight will b playing w/ my HUBBY on bass! Yay! & I have the opportunity 2 sing w/ 1 of the gals I used 2 sing w/ back in the Malibu Vineyard days, so it's an all around treat. (Not 2 mention having a couple of my more regular band members there too!!!)

September 2 -
Got a bunch of gigs coming up! Check out my GIGS page for more info!
Sept 4 - Hope Chapel
Sept 10 - SPAN Missions Conference
Sept 11, 18, Oct 2, 9, Nov 6, 20 - Ascend Malibu
Sept 24 - Vineyard Xtreme
Oct 21 - Iglesia Evangelica Bethel

August 30 -
Just had the awesome opportunity to do a radio interview with Tracy Thackrah for his radio show NewNotes on 90.1 FM KBPK. It will be broadcast sometime in October, so check back here for more details!!!

August 25 -
Really looking forward to playing at Ascend Malibu this Sunday! Glad to be back!!! :)

August 23 -
My last night in England tonight! :( Sad to leave... Had a really awesome time here! Love this country! But I'm also SOOOOO happy to be coming home to L.A.!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see that old familiar smoggy skyline from the plane... Every time I arrive I think: "Ah.... home..." So excited!!!!!!!

August 22 -
Had such a great time getting to play at Pencester Gardens in Dover England yesterday!!! It was awesome! I had so much fun! Thanks to all who came out for it! And thanks to the awesome local band who played with me, Tor Charlesworth on drums, Ben Royston on bass, and Dan Leggatt on guitar! They were fantastic! :)

August 21 -
Had the most awesome time playing at the Prince Albert pub in Dover England last night! So cool! What a great crowd! Thanks to everyone who came down. It was an honor to get to play there!

August 20 -
I'm really excited to play at Pencester Gardens in Dover England tomorrow afternoon (Sunday) at 2pm. I have the honor of playing with a rocking young local band, and it was a blast getting to rehearse with them this afternoon! Tor Charlesworth on drums, Ben Royston on bass, and Dan Leggatt on guitar. More info here.

August 20 -
I'll be playing at the Prince Albert in Dover England tonight! More info here.

August 20 -
Had an absolutely amazing time playing at The Priory Hotel last night in Dover England! I'm honored to have had the opportunity! Thanks to everyone who came out, and it was great to meet so many people from the area!

August 18 -
Really looking forward to playing at The Priory Hotel tomorrow night, Friday August 19 at 9pm in Dover, England!!! I'm so excited for this opportunity to play in the area near where my grandmother was born! What a treat! More info here.

August 9 -
Having an amazing time in England so far! Had a blast playing with one of my grandfather's cousins at the George & Dragon Pub in Yarm, UK! Great country and awesome people! Love it!!!!

August 1 -
Off to England for 3 weeks. Check out my GIGS page for info on upcoming shows!

July 29 -
I'm super happy to get to play again at Ascend Malibu Fellowship this Sunday July 31st at 10:30am! Really looking forward to it!

July 28 -
Check out the photos from our gig at The Viper Room:

July 27 -
We had the MOST AMAZING show at The Viper Room last night!!! It was sooooo incredible! What a fantastic experience, and a really awesome venue. Thanks to my sweet and loving friends who came out to support us. I'm so grateful!!! Once in a lifetime experience! So rad!!! :)

Tracy Thomas & Band at the Viper Room on Tuesday July 26 at 8:30pm!
8852 W. Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, California, More Info HERE

July 25 -
Tomorrow is the night! If you're in the area I hope you can make it down for our show at The Viper Room at 9pm! I'm really looking forward to this opportunity!

July 24 -
Off to England again for most of August! So excited!!!

July 23 -
Don't forget to get your tickets in advance for our show at The Viper Room this Tues July 26 at 9pm, cause you'll save $10 (door price is $15)!!! Purchase at

July 20 -
Had a fantastic rehearsal last night with my band for our show at The Viper Room on Tuesday July 26th! What an awesome group of musicians!

July 12 -
If you're in L.A., don't miss our show at THE VIPER ROOM on July 26th! It's going to be a great show! Johnny Franco on drums, Simon Huber on bass, Kanghyun Bu on electric, and Jen Oikawa on keys!

July 10 -
DISCOUNT tickets for our show at The Viper Room on Tues July 26 at 8:30pm are available for ONLY $5, if purchased by July 17. Regular price is $15. Purchase discount tickets at:

July 8 -
We had a fantastic time playing at The Haven in Edmonton last night! Thanks to my awesome musicians, and to everyone who came out for the show! It was a blast!

July 8 -
Check out the video of my performance on Breakfast TV on CityTV in Edmonton yesterday!!!

July 7 -
I had such a fun time getting to play on Breakfast TV this morning in Edmonton, Canada! You can watch me perform two of my songs ("Here I Am With You" & "Goodbye") online after noon today by clicking: HERE.

July 7 -
If you're in Edmonton, I hope you can make our show tonight at The Haven!

July 6 -
I'll be playing 2 of my songs on TV tomorrow morning in Edmonton on Breakfast Television on Citytv. First song will be around 8:10am, second song around 8:55am. If you're in Edmonton, it's on Channel 7 on cable. They will also put the show online after around noon tomorrow. Here's where you can watch:

July 5 -
Had an awesome rehearsal tonight with my band for our show at The Haven in Edmonton this Thursday night! So excited about this opportunity! Really looking forward to the show. Get to play with some amazing musicians: Blake Paul, David Snaterse, Mike Berg, C. Paul Horsman, and Kevin J. Prebushewski.

July 3 -
If you're in Edmonton, don't miss our show this Thursday night July 7th at 8:30pm at The Haven. Check out the invite for details!!!

July 1 -
Happy Canada Day!!! I'm happy cause I'm actually IN Canada for Canada Day for the first time in a LONG time! Yay!

June 29 -
Had a really blessed time getting to lead worship at St. Paul's last night. Thanks so much to everyone who came out. I'm so grateful for your time. Sorry I didn't get a chance to see everyone afterward!

June 28 -
If you're in Edmonton, I hope you will consider coming to the worship night I am leading tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 7:30pm at St. Paul's!

June 25 -
To purchase advance tickets for our show at The Haven Social Club in Edmonton go to

June 24 -
I'm up in Canada for 3 weeks, and am doing some gigs while up here!!! If you're in Edmonton, check out my GIGS page for more info. We're playing a worship night on Tuesday June 28th at 7:30pm at St. Paul's Church, and doing a concert at The Haven Social Club on Thursday July 7th at 8pm.

June 23 -
Catch my radio interview today from 5-6pm (4-5pm PST) on Shine 105.9 FM in Edmonton on Jon Ramer's show "The Drive Home." You can listen LIVE online at More info at

June 22 -
I'll be doing a radio interview on Shine 105.9 FM in Edmonton tomorrow (Thursday) at 4pm (3pm PST) on Jon Ramer's show "The Drive Home." You can listen LIVE online at More info at

June 21 -
I'll be playing at The Haven Social Club in Edmonton on Thursday July 7th at 8:30pm. Will post details soon!

June 20 -
I'm playing a worship night next Tuesday June 28th at 7:30pm at St. Paul's Church in Edmonton!!! Check back here later today for all the details.

June 18 -
Don't miss our gig at the Viper Room on July 26th at 8:30pm! Check my GIGS page for info!

June 14 -
I'm going to be heading up to Canada for 3 weeks. Check back here in a few days for gigs dates up there!

June 10 -
Playing again at Ascend Malibu this Sunday morning at 10:30am. Wrote a new song just for this service for Pentecost!!! Light the fire!!!

June 6 -
We had the most AMAZING time last night playing at Coast in Torrance! It was off the charts!!! So awesome!!!

June 2 -
So excited to be playing down at Coast Christian Fellowship for the second time, this Sunday night, June 5th at 6pm, in Torrance!

May 21 -
Don't miss this awesome Benefit for the MainStreet Theatre Company, that I am performing at tonight! It's going to be a fantastic show!!! Check out the special guest appearances on the flyer!!!

May 19 -
The fundraiser I am playing & singing in this Sat night in Rancho Cucamonga is going to be a truly phenomenal show. If you're able, it would be so awesome if you could come down! A long drive, but will be well worth it!

May 18 -
Don't miss our band playing at the St. Robert Bellarmine 2011 Festival in Downtown Burbank this Friday night!!!

May 17 -
SUCH a busy week! Holding on for dear life! Really excited to play for the kids over at Venice Lutheran School tomorrow morning (Earliest gig I've ever played in my life! 8:45am!) And looking forward to playing a music festival in Burbank on Fri night, then a fundraiser in Rancho Cucamonga on Sat night! If you're in the mood, come catch us at one!

May 16 -
Looking forward to playing at Venice Lutheran School this Wednesday!

May 15 -
Playing again this morning at Ascend Malibu Fellowship. It's always an absolute blast! Can't wait!!!

May 14 -
Had another awesome rehearsal with my band tonight! Really looking forward to our gig next Friday. Come down, if you're available and in the area: CLICK HERE. We're playing from 7:30-9pm! All original songs from my record, and some new ones too!

May 13 -
4 gigs next week!!! Going to be a busy week!!! Check out my GIGS page for more info! Stop by at one if you're free!

May 12 -
Rockin' rehearsal tonight with my band! Gearing up for our gig at the St. Robert Bellarmine Festival next Friday May 20 at 7:30pm! Fun!

May 10 -
Had a rehearsal last night for the fundraiser I am performing in on Saturday May 21st at 7:30pm for MainStreet Theatre Company in Rancho Cucamonga. It's going to be a truly phenomenal show, and a great cast of singers!!! Rehearsal was awesome! It sounded amazing! If you're in the area, I hope you can come!!!

May 9 -
I've been writing a special song in honor of a theatre company I've worked with over the past 3 years, the MainStreet Theatre Company in Rancho Cucamonga, and I'll be performing the song live at a Benefit they are doing on May 21st. Check out the flyer. It's going to be an awesome night! Can't wait!

May 8 -
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!!! Especially to my sweet Mommy!!! Love you!

May 6 -
Wrote a song for my Mom last year for Mother's Day called "Sweet Mother" and just spent the whole day today putting together a slide show for her to go along with the song as a little gift for this year. Looking forward to doing a real recording of the song soon!

April 15 -
I'm playing a solo set of my original music at the Downtown Burbank Arts Festival tomorrow morning (Saturday) from 10:30-11am. The stage is right across the street from the North End Pizzeria, 212 E Orange Grove Ave, Burbank, CA 91502. If you're in the area, please stop by! Would love to see you!

April 14 -
Had an awesome time singing this afternoon at Barnes & Noble in Rancho Cucamonga!

March 29 -
Just posted 8 upcoming gigs on my GIGS page! Check them out!
APR 3 - BMI Conference
APR 14 - Barnes & Noble
APR 16 - Downtown Burbank Arts Festival Day 1
APR 17 - Ascend Malibu Fellowship
MAY 18 - Venice Lutheran School
MAY 20 - St. Robert Bellarmine Festival
MAY 21 - MainStreet Theatre Company Fundraiser

March 27 -
Really enjoyed having the opportunity yesterday to lead worship at a women's conference in OC at Safe Harbor Fellowship. It was a remarkable day and I was truly blessed to be a part of it!

March 25 -
Check out some pics from our time in the studio: HERE!

March 24 -
So cool that we got to have a full day recording session last Wednesday at Glenwood Place studios with Isha Erskine (Producer of my debut album & also just worked on the most recent Maroon 5 album)!!! It was so cool to be back in Studio B where we tracked most of my debut record! Simon Huber tracked bass and Johnny Franco on drums!!! It was such fun!!! We tracked 2 new tunes...

March 21 -
Had a really awesome time playing at Coast Christian Fellowship last night!!! It was a wonderful experience and a real honor to get to play there!

March 18 -
Really looking forward to playing at Coast Christian Fellowship this Sunday night! More info HERE!

March 13 -
Let's continue to keep our hearts in an attitude of prayer and intercession for the nation of Japan.

March 11 -
Our thoughts and prayers have been with the people of Japan during this very hard time.
Lord, I pray that you will bring comfort & healing to those who are suffering right now in Japan due to all of the ill effects of the quake & tsunami. Bring your mercy & grace upon the people, & your powerful intervention into this situation. I pray for safety upon the people surrounding the nuclear power plants & ask for your sovereign hand to protect them from any radiation. I bless Japan with restoration. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray! Amen!

March 6 -
Check out the pics from our show at the Key Club: CLICK HERE!

March 5 -
Check out our upcoming shows on my GIGS page!

March 5 -
We had such an incredible time playing at the Key Club last night! It was such a blast! And I'm sincerely grateful for everyone who came out in support! What a great turn-out! Thanks so much to all my generous friends who came! I really appreciate it! xoxoxo!

KEY CLUB Hollywood - PLUSH LOUNGE (downstairs)
Fri Mar 4 at 8:30pm. Tickets are $10.00. ADVANCE PURCHASE!!! Min age 16.
9039 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood. For more info: CLICK HERE

Thurs Feb 17 at 8pm. Cover is $8.00 at the door. Min age 21 with ID.
575 S. Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA. For more info: CLICK HERE

February 19 -
Looking forward to our gig at the Key Club on Fri Mar 4 at 8:30pm! Should be a blast!

February 15 -
If you're in the L.A. area and available, I hope you will consider coming to our show at Molly Malones this Thurs Feb 17 at 8pm!!! It would be awesome to see you!

February 6 -
Had an awesome time playing at Ascend Malibu Fellowship this morning! What a great group! We had a blast!

January 25 -
If you're in the L.A. area and available this Saturday night, I really hope you will join us for an awesome praise and worship night led by Jan Roper and myself at CFTN in Glendale! DETAILS: Saturday, January 29th at 7pm, Church for the Nations, 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91202.

January 24 -
Had such a blast playing with the band down at New Creation Ministries yesterday!!! What a fun time!

January 23 -
I'll be leading worship again at Ascend Malibu Fellowship on Sun Feb 6th at 10:30am.

January 22 -
Looking forward to playing tomorrow afternoon with the band at New Creation Outreach at 2:30pm in Newport Beach:

January 19 -
If you haven't heard Lara Landon's album "Beloved," I highly recommend you take a listen! She has an incredible voice, her lyrics are very moving, and her songs are uplifting. I had the privilege of meeting her, and she is also a really amazing person! Check it out on itunes:

January 18 -
To my friends in the L.A. area, I really hope you will join us on Sat Jan 29 at 7pm for an evening of praise and worship at CFTN in Glendale! Here's the invite with more details:

January 11 -
If you have a moment, check out the video of my song "Goodbye" that I posted on my YouTube channel. The song is about my Grandmother, who passed away 3 years ago. I hope you'll take a look:

January 10 -
Had a fantastic time playing at Ascend Malibu on Sunday! Such a wonderful group of people and a great church to be involved with!

January 8 -
Really looking forward to leading worship at Ascend Malibu Fellowship in the morning at 10:30am! 3602 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, CA.

January 3 -
Booked another gig over at Molly Malone's on Thurs Feb 17 at 8pm! Hope you can make it!


December 25 -
A very Merry Christmas to all of my wonderful family and friends!!! I wish you the most beautiful day, filled with every good thing as you celebrate this joyous season!!! My love to you all!

December 20 -
Give the gift of music for Christmas!!! I'd be truly blessed if you'd consider purchasing my album as a gift. Hard copies can be bought right HERE on my website, through PayPal (press the BUY NOW button) or through CD Baby. Digital downloads can be given as gifts on itunes.

December 19 -
Check out the video of my song "I Would Give Anything" that I just posted to my YouTube channel.

December 18 -
I'm playing tomorrow morning with Jan Roper again at Church for the Nations in Glendale at 11am!

December 17 -
We had a ROCKIN' show at the Whisky A Go Go last night! Thanks to all of my wonderful friends who came out to see us! Check out some photos from last night on my Facebook fan page.

Purchase tickets here through PayPal for my show at the Whisky A Go-Go on Thursday December 16th at 7pm. Tickets are $10.00 each, and can be mailed to you in advance or left at will-call for pickup the night of the show!

December 15 -
Only a few more hours till we play at the Whisky A Go Go!!! I'm so excited!!!

December 15 -
One more sleep until we Go-Go!!! ;) Hope you can come along!

December 13 -
Very much looking forward to playing at the Whisky A Go Go this Thursday at 7pm...

December 12 -
We had such a phenomenal time playing at SIR Studios last night!!! It was an awesome experience! What a great crowd of people! Thanks to everyone who came down for the fundraiser! We had so much fun!

December 11 -
Playing a gig tonight at SIR Studios on Stage 5. 6465 Sunset Blvd, LA, CA. We go on at 9pm!

December 10 -
Only 6 days till my show at the Whisky A Go Go on Thurs Dec 16th at 7pm!!! Don't miss it!!!! It's gonna rock!!! I'm so excited!!! :)

December 7 -
If you think you might make it to my show at the Whisky A Go-Go on Thurs Dec 16th at 7pm, don't forget that tickets are advance purchase for this show! You can buy tickets right here on my website.

December 5 -
Had such a phenomenal time getting to play at Ascend Malibu Fellowship this morning. It was AWESOME!!! Such a great group of people. I felt extremely blessed to be there!!!

December 2 -
I'll be playing with Jan Roper again at Church for the Nations on Sunday December 19th at 11am.

November 30 -
I'll be playing music from my debut album at a fundraiser at SIR Studios on Stage 5 in Hollywood on Saturday December 11th at 8pm. 6465 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028.

November 26 -
I'm leading worship at Ascend Malibu Fellowship on Sunday December 5th at 10:30am. The service is held at Webster Elementary School, 3602 Winter Canyon Rd, Malibu, CA 90265.

November 22 -
Check out the invite for my show at the Whisky A Go-Go on Thursday December 16th at 7pm.

November 21 -
Check out the photos I posted from our gig at Molly Malone's!

November 21 -
Our show at Molly Malone's last night was sooooo awesome!!!!! We had an absolute blast!!!! Thanks to all my wonderful friends who came out to support us! I am so extremely grateful! xoxoxo!

November 15 -
Getting so excited about our show at Molly Malone's this Saturday night!!! It's going to be awesome!!!

November 15 -
Had a great time playing at NoHo PAC on Saturday night. Thanks to everyone who came out!

November 9 -
I'm playing this Saturday night, November 13th, in the Artist Showcase at NoHo Performing Arts Center. 11020 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Show starts at 7pm. More info: (Click on "SHOWCASES.") Check out the Facebook invite. I'll be performing songs from my debut album, along with a full band. Hope you can make it out!

November 6 -
Looking forward to playing with Jan Roper tomorrow morning at CFTN at 11am! I have a feeling it's going to ROCK!!! Not to be missed! :) 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91202.

November 4 -
I'll be playing at the Whisky A Go-Go on Thursday December 16th at 7pm. Check out the invite on myspace.

November 3 -
I'm playing with Jan Roper again at Church for the Nations this Sunday, November 7th at 11am. Looking forward to it!!!

November 2 -
I'll be playing at Molly Malones in Los Angeles on Saturday November 20th at 10:30pm. I hope my L.A. friends can make it out that night!!! Come celebrate Thanksgiving with me!!! 575 South Fairfax Ave, L.A., CA 90036 (cross street is 6th Street.) More info on the facebook invite.

November 1 -
We had an absolutely fantastic time getting to play this past Saturday night and Sunday morning at Supreme Breakthrough Ministries in downtown LA! It was a truly awesome weekend!

October 26 -
We are really excited to be playing down at Supreme Breakthrough Ministries in Downtown L.A. this Saturday night Oct 30 at 6pm and Sunday morning Oct 31 at 11am. 1827 Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015.

October 25 -
Check out the photos I posted of our Knitting Factory gig!

October 23 -
Had an amazing time playing down in O.C. at Safe Harbor today!

October 21 -
Check out the new video of my song "Shine Your Light On Me" that I posted on my YouTube page!

I'm playing and singing with Jan Roper at Church for the Nations this Sunday, October 17th at 11am. 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91202. Come on down if you're in the neighborhood!

October 10 -
Check out the photos I posted on Facebook of our gig at the Holy Spirit Night at the Gospel Forum in Germany. Also, there's photos up there from our concert at IBC as well!

October 9 -
Become a fan on my Facebook fan page!

Tracy Thomas

Promote Your Page Too

October 7 -
We're back in L.A.! Keep posted for upcoming gigs!

October 3 -
We had the most amazing time playing at the Holy Spirit Night last night at the Gospel Forum in Stuttgart. For me, it was the experience of a lifetime. It was so incredible and the people were awesome!!! I heard that the number of people who attended was around 4000! We had such a phenomenal time and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to be involved! My love to all those we met last night! You rock!!!

October 1 -
We are really looking forward to playing at the Holy Spirit Night at BGG International in Stuttgart Germany tomorrow night!!!

September 26 -
We had a wonderful time playing at International Baptist Church in Stuttgart Germany on Friday night! Thanks to everyone who came out!!!

September 23 -
Tomorrow night, Friday September 24th, at 7:30pm we are playing at International Baptist Church in Stuttgart, Germany. The following Saturday, October 2nd, we will be playing at the Holy Spirit Night at BGG International also in Stuttgart, Germany.

September 20 -
So excited about our concert in Stuttgart Germany this Friday September 24th!!!

September 19 -
Had a great whirlwind 10 days in England! It's been a blast, but so busy!!! We've been all over the place. London and surrounding area, Dover, Wales, Durham, Middlesbrough, Yarm, and a bunch more! What an incredible country!!! Back to Germany in the morning!

September 7 -
On our way to Germany!

For hardcopy CD Purchases in Canadian Dollars use the PayPal Canada BUTTON -

More MP3 Download Options -

Sunday September 5th -
Church for the Nations
TIME: 10:30am
LOCATION: 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91202
INFO: More info at the Church for the Nations Website
September/October Europe Dates -
Check back here in a week for details!
October Gigs -
Valley Vineyard & SIR Studios
Dates to be announced soon!

August 31 -
Check out my YouTube channel!

August 30 -
I had a great time leading worship at Church for the Nations yesterday morning! What a wonderful community to worship with!

Sunday August 29th -
Tracy Thomas @ Church for the Nations
TIME: 11am
LOCATION: 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91202
INFO: More info at the Church for the Nations Website

August 20 -
We had an amazing time playing at Lincoln Center in Cypress, CA last night. Thanks so much to all who attended! We had a blast!

August 18 -
So excited about our concert tomorrow night in Orange County!!! We'll be playing the songs from my debut album "Before the Dawn" with a full band. The concert will be at Safe Harbor Fellowship, which is in Lincoln Center Mobile Home Park in Cypress, CA. See below for details:
DATE: Thursday August 19th
TIME: 7-8:30pm
LOCATION: Lincoln Center Mobile Home Park, 9080 Bloomfield Ave, Cypress, CA 90630
PARKING: FREE parking on the street outside of the gated community, and across the street in the business parking lot. Walk into the mobile home park through the main entrance on Bloomfield. Walk straight ahead and you will see the side of a large building in front of you. Once you get to the building take a left and then quick right to get to the main entrance. Walk through the main entrance down the hallway to the last door on the left.
ADMISSION: FREE!!! All ages are welcome. Everyone is invited!

August 15 -
We're doing a mini European tour in September!!! Check back here for more details soon!

August 6 -
Check out the video I just posted on YouTube!.

July 27 -
Hard copy CDs are now available for purchase for $15 each, right here on my website through Paypal.

July 22 -
My next concert is on Thursday, August 19th from 7-8:30pm at Safe Harbor Fellowship, 9080 Bloomfield Street, Cypress, CA 90650. The concert is free, and all are welcome to attend! Check back here for further details.

July 11 -
Our CD Release Event went really well last night and we had a great time! Thanks to all who came out to be a support. Much appreciated!!!

July 8 -
The CD Release Event is fast approaching!!! Don't miss the show THIS Saturday, July 10th at 7:30pm in Glendale, CA, at Church for the Nations, 1015 N. Central Ave!

July 7 -
The record is finally on iTunes!.

July 6 -
mp3 downloads available on Amazon.

July 5 -
Hard copy CDs now available for purchase on CD Baby.

June 25 -
mp3 downloads are now available for purchase on CD Baby.

June 24 -
Hardcopy CDs are currently available for purchase. Submit an order request through the form on my Contact page, and you will receive instructions on how to complete your order. CDs will also be available for purchase on CD Baby very soon. Check back here for an exact date. The album will also be available on the following online sites in the very near future: Amazon, iTunes, MySpace Music, Emusic, LimeWire, Rhapsody, ThumbPlay, Zune, GreatIndieMusic, Liquid Digital Media, Napster, Shockhound, Tradebit, Deezer,, MediaNet, Nokia, Spotify, and Verizon. Check back here for updates.

June 23 -
We've posted the RADIO INTERVIEWS I did in Canada after my Canadian CD Release Event in Edmonton, Alberta - CLICK HERE to listen

June 22 -
Los Angeles CD Release Event confirmed !!
Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 7:30pm
Church for the Nations, 1015 N. Central Ave, Glendale, CA | CLICK HERE for more info

June 21 -
mp3 DOWNLOADS will be available on iTunes in JULY. Specific date TBA

June 14 -
I had another interview on the radio today, this time with Jon Ramer on The Morning Show at AM 930 The Light. CLICK HERE to listen to the archived file.

June 11 -
I was interviewed on the radio today by Johnny Rocket on the Morning Spin at Shine FM and they played a couple of songs off of my record! If you were unable to listen to the interviews live, your can CLICK HERE to listen to the audio archive on my Press page.

June 9 -
This evening's Canadian CD Release Event was a great success, as many people attended and I booked a couple of live Radio interviews as a result!

June 3 -
Canadian CD Release Event will take place at St. Paul's in Edmonton, Alberta at 7:30pm on Wednesday, June 9

June 1 -
My debut album is now available for mp3 DOWNLOAD on Nimbit, Facebook, MySpace and also right here on my Purchase page !

[ Coming to iTunes in JULY. Specific date TBA ]

CDs will be available for shipment on June 15.

CD RELEASE EVENT DATE - TBA but tentatively July 10, 2010!

May 10 -
CD RELEASE DATE - June 1, 2010!

May 7 -
Masters just arrived.... Yaaaayyyy!!! CD artwork almost complete and ready to launch on iTunes!! Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there! : )

May 1 -
We'll have those masters next week... yaaaay!!!

April 15 -
We researched a bunch of mastering houses and decided to go with Brad Blackwood at Euphonic Masters in Memphis, TN. We're SO excited to release "Before the Dawn" and can't wait to hear his work!! It shoud be ready for distribution sometime in May/June.

March 15 -
We just finished the final mixes at Glenwood Place Studios in Burbank, CA... Wow, what a blessing! (And on my birthday, too! Great birthday present!!!) Now we're prepping for mastering...

February 20 -
Final touches on the record. Almost there!


December 13 -
All tracking is completed! Yay!!! And now we're in the middle of final mixes!! Man, this is a lot of work. But so much fun and SO rewarding. Thanks Isha for being such a blessing through this huge process : ) You're one of the most patient people I know.

November 26 -
Some touch-up work and tracking background vocals. Wow, this project may just be the hardest thing I've done in my whoooole life...

October 1 -
We've finished tracking all our instrumentation and are in the middle of mixing. Yaaaayyy!!! Thanks to my awesome musicians for making this dream such a beautiful reality. You guys are so cool and I love you so much!

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